Wish Debug/Release Key choose ...


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it would be much easier if in the "path configurations" there will be also a path for "release to store key" and if we choose debug or release it will use the debug key and if we choose "release to store" (this need also to be added) then it will use the store key...


B4X founder
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Already supported with conditional compilation and #CertificateFile / #ProvisionFile.

For example:



Licensed User
Longtime User
i tried to implement it in my app but dont understand how

i have 2 directories and when i want to install on my device (debug or realease) i use key folder1 ("C:\b4i\key1")

to publish to store i change in configuration Path to keyfolder2
if i want to do it automatically where do i write the destination of keyfolder2?? ("C:\b4i\key2")


B4X founder
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You should put all the keys in the same folder. The most important thing is to use the same certSigningRequest.csr whenever you create a new key.

You can always delete existing keys and create new ones.

This is how my keys folder look:

You can see that I have in this folder: development certificate and provision file (default.cer and default.mobileprovision), distribution certificate, store provision, and push related files. All of them are derived from the same certSigningRequest.csr file.

The IDE uses the default files unless you explicitly set a different value.