Hi All,
Do any of you have any experience deploying the jRDC2 server app to an Azure App Service?
I've a large number of Sensors +ESP32 MCU's all sending data to Azure Database for MySQL server, via PHP on Azure App Service, All working wonderfully.??
I have a couple of B4X apps reading and writing directly to the Azure Database for MySQL server via JDBC and that all works well to... ??
However we looking to provide middle-ware for some of our clients to access the data and I don't really want to supply the current android apps with the direct connection, I would rather use the jRDC2 server.
So, I'm looking to see if anyone else has successfully deployed the jRDC2 server app to the Azure App Service. and what steps you took to achieve this...
Obviously I could go down the PHP route as I've done with the Sensors+ESP32, but I like Erel's jRDC2 solution (I have tested the jRDC2 server app running locally against the Azure Database for MySQL server and that worked great).
I just need to know if its possible to deploy jRDC2 to Azure App Service.
Do any of you have any experience deploying the jRDC2 server app to an Azure App Service?
I've a large number of Sensors +ESP32 MCU's all sending data to Azure Database for MySQL server, via PHP on Azure App Service, All working wonderfully.??
I have a couple of B4X apps reading and writing directly to the Azure Database for MySQL server via JDBC and that all works well to... ??
However we looking to provide middle-ware for some of our clients to access the data and I don't really want to supply the current android apps with the direct connection, I would rather use the jRDC2 server.
So, I'm looking to see if anyone else has successfully deployed the jRDC2 server app to the Azure App Service. and what steps you took to achieve this...
Obviously I could go down the PHP route as I've done with the Sensors+ESP32, but I like Erel's jRDC2 solution (I have tested the jRDC2 server app running locally against the Azure Database for MySQL server and that worked great).
I just need to know if its possible to deploy jRDC2 to Azure App Service.