I have a problem with reading paramters in the server-handler. When i call Dim In As InputStream = req.InputStream, i can only read out the paramter "type". The other parameters are only available, when I do not set Dim In As InputStream = req.InputStream.
Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
If req.Method <> "POST" Then
resp.SendError(500, "Methode wird nicht unterstützt! (nur POST)")
End If
'we need to call req.InputStream before calling GetParameter.
'Otherwise the stream will be read internally (as the parameter might be in the post body).
Dim In As InputStream = req.InputStream
Dim reqType As String = req.GetParameter("type")
log(req.getParamter("absender")) <----- is emty!
If reqType = "" Then
resp.SendError(500, "Parameter für den Dateityp wurde nicht übertragen (text oder file)")
End If
Select reqType
Case "status"