dllToDate stating point


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dllToDate starting point

Hi Guys,

Just started re-writing Mr_Gee's DllToDate, and got already something to share/Test...

This new version, still only gets the user properly Authenticated, and this time, I'm 95% sure it will work for any user.
On First Run, a configuration form pops-up, allowing the user to enter USERNAME and PASSWORD...
These values MUST match the ones used to LogIn to the Basic4ppc Forum...
The Form Then closes and so does the app..
From there on, every time the app starts, it will Authenticate the User and check if the User is a Licended User...
IF any of these faills the app will close.
Only one Dll is not merged, the Browser.dll, wich is a WebBrowserEX.Dll, with two new features introduced especially for this project...
It will eventually be also merged into the exe...
This is comming along slowly but steadly, and hoppefully, it will speed up from now on...

EDIT: Added a field to select the libraries folder using a FolderDialog in the configuration Form

EDIT: File Download from restricted user area succesfully tested

EDIT: 2nd.exe.zip file added..remove the .zip part of the file name and execute with all the other project files..this replaces the original exe...
This adds a "in test" feature, the dll listing creation on the client side..
It will produce a new list every time it gets executed...as I said, it is for testing, not a done deal...
As usual, any coments are welcomed..


  • Dll2Date.zip
    67.7 KB · Views: 489
  • 2nd.exe.zip
    184 KB · Views: 483
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Licensed User
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First Piece of code is now working and posted...
Sorry for the delay but I had to make sure if would be safe to Post, so spendt some time trying to Obfuscate the EXE...
As 1 Post#1, this will Only test if you are logged in to the forum and if you are/were(?) a licensed user..
If the output is in some way wrong, please let me know..


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First Piece of code is now working and posted...
Sorry for the delay but I had to make sure if would be safe to Post, so spendt some time trying to Obfuscate the EXE...
As 1 Post#1, this will Only test if you are logged in to the forum and if you are/were(?) a licensed user..
If the output is in some way wrong, please let me know..

It said authentication failed, even though I was currently logged on to the forum with IE7 and Firefox.

Why are you obfuscating the exe?


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You must enter the Username Exactly as it Apears in the forum, and it is case sensitive...
ie, i alway loggin with "cableguy" but the Forum registration Nick was "Cableguy"...
I have obfuscated, because the authentication is a very sensitive issue and if someone would try to disassemble the .net exe, they could understand the way I am verifying the User license status, Obfuscating prevents it...


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You must enter the Username Exactly as it Apears in the forum, and it is case sensitive...
ie, i alway loggin with "cableguy" but the Forum registration Nick was "Cableguy"...
I have obfuscated, because the authentication is a very sensitive issue and if someone would try to disassemble the .net exe, they could understand the way I am verifying the User license status, Obfuscating prevents it...

I would have thought that user authentication was done using a MD5 hash. I guess if the exe is obfuscated then I'm not sure how this can be an open source project.

I am logged on as "digitaldon37" and used "digitaldon37" in the try.exe program and that didn't work


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User Authentication is done in 2 steps:
1st-check if the user is a registered basic4ppc Forum User.
2nd-Check if he/she is verified as a licensed user.

This will be an Open Source Aplication, but for now I must keep the logic to myself, and to any other licensed user who wish to know how or help in the development of this software.
So please PM me if you want the currently in progress project...
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New Upload, with some minor changes...

-It now loads some values from an ini file (DllToDate.ini)

Again, the results SHOULD be accurate, but I could only test with My own Nick, so please let me now of either Success or faillure of the verification logic.
Again, For those who wish to get a piece of the code in progress, please PM me...
Only licensed users may have access to it...:sign0013:


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Hi Paulo,

I tried the program, and unfortunately get the same error as digitaldon37.
Attached a picture of the error message.
My username is klaus and I am logged in to the B4PPC forum.

Best regards.


  • DLLtoDate.jpg
    91 KB · Views: 428


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Are you using Vista Klaus? It doesn't work on my Vista desktop but does work on on my XP laptop. I've poked around inside the exe (the obfuscation is a bit feeble Cableguy - I can see all that is going on!) and can't immediately see a reason for this so I am assuming it may be a Vista security issue but I can't see where :confused:


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Thanks for all your posts...
i really cant understand why some can't be recognized as logged in, as that part is only a string parse check on the code...
im using a free obfuscation program, but using all the default values...I need to have a poke at it too...
Also, I do not have your e-mail adress, it some how disapearded from my list...


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This is what happened to me:

Using my default browser firefox the try.exe program doesn't recognize me (authentication failed) :(. I tested with or without "remeber me".

Using the IE the authentication failed if I logged in without "remember me". After I checked "remember me" the
- user authentication was successful
- the licence verification was successful

After that, the user authentication and licence verification is successful every time I start the try.exe even there is no browser running at all. So an available IE cookie seems to be necessary. :confused:
