Documentation for keyword dim


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Can the documentation for the keyword 'dim' also include a list of all of the available variable types along with their ranges and even links to examples of their use? This would be of particular use for things like maps and arrays.




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Thanks for the reply.

The problem with that link is that to a beginner it is just a list of seemingly meaningless words. For example, I can see 'ArraysExtra' there but no 'array' and also 6 lines with the word 'string'.

Speaking as a beginner with a limited knowledge of programming but a fair idea of what I am trying to achieve, it would be nice if the list had a brief description next to each data type.

Also, I'm not sure that page is shown in the list of results when I type in 'variables' or 'data type' into the B4A HelpViewer.

B4A is a fantastic product for beginners and it has first rate support. It can be a chore trying to find the right information though.




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Yes I have seen the beginner's guide and it's a very good document.

I'm not saying the information isn't out there! It's often a pain to track it down.