Bug? Documentation link on B4J web page goes to B4A documentation instead of B4J documentation.


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Longtime User
Which links specifically?
The "Documentation Index & Online Guides" link found here https://www.b4x.com/b4j.html#documentation
In my case I was looking for what methods the B4J's Image object had. Usually the forum will provide a documentation link above all posts when searching for something that can be found in the documentation, but for Image it did not (note: it (the forum) does for bitmap, but not for image). Therefore I went to B4J's page at https://www.b4x.com and went to the "Documentation Index & Online Guides" link to look for Image and did not find it. At first I was perplexed, but then I realized I was looking at the B4A "Documentation Index & Online Guides", not B4J's. Once I found the right guide (sadly via Google. After finding it and looking at the URL, I should have probably deduced it), I was able to find the information I was looking for.