iOS Question Does Apple Simulator work fine with hosted builder?


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Hosted builder is like running b4ibuilder.jar in command line or terminal. We don't see UI or desktop.
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Licensed User
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Hosted builder is like running b4ibuilder.jar in command line or terminal. We don't see UI or desktop.
I'm not sure how that is relevant to my scenario:

Compile my project with the hosted builder -> From B4i download the "Download Simulator Release App" -> open the file on the mac and run it in Simulator?

Note the underline part. At no point do I wish to interact with the hosted builder any other way that compiling my project and download the generated build.
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Licensed User
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Compile my project with the hosted builder -> From B4i download the "Download Simulator Release App" -> open the file on the mac and run it in Simulator?

The IPA file save inside your Windows Objects folder.
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I'm not sure how to explain better than my first post, but I'll give it a shot.

I want to code using B4i and compile using the hosted builder.

When it has compiled I would like to run the build in the Simulator.

My best guess is that I would be able to do that if I, after compiling, use the option "Download Simulator Release App" in B4i to download the build. I imagine I will then be able to run this build in the Simulator, which is installed in a local mac at my office.

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Licensed User
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I'm not sure how to explain better than my first post, but I'll give it a shot.

I want to code using B4i and compile using the hosted builder.

When it has compiled I would like to run the build in the Simulator.

My best guess is that I would be able to do that if I, after compiling, use the option "Download Simulator Release App" in B4i to download the build. I imagine I will then be able to run this build in the Simulator, which is installed in a local mac at my office.

So your question is can you download the IPA file using B4i and run it on another Mac which has Simulator (or XCode installed)?
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Well, it's somewhat easier to use the hosted builder because it's one less thing to keep updated locally. So I'm just investigating if it's possible to combine that with a local Simulator. That's it.

It's not the end of the world if it's not possible, I've run the local builder before and it was fine after the initial installation. It's just that I saw the menu option "Download Simulator Release App" in B4i, so I thought it's probably possible to feed that file to a local Simulator somehow.
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Well-Known Member
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So your question is can you download the IPA file using B4i and run it on another Mac which has Simulator (or XCode installed)?
I've wondered that too - what is the purpose of "Download Simulator Release App" ?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It is not possible to use a Simulator with hosted builder.

If you are using a local builder, you can "Build Simulator Release App" (with Simulator booted) and download the myappname.ipa file by choosing "Dowload Last Build" from B4i. (Upload the ipa file to cloud and download from another Mac (or copy the ipa to another Mac) and run a simulator. Use Archive Utility to unzip the content. You get a Payload folder with and files. Drag and drop the to the running simulator.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It is not possible to use a Simulator with hosted builder
Thanks for checking. :)

If you are using a local builder, you can "Build Simulator Release App" (with Simulator booted) and download the myappname.ipa file by choosing "Dowload Last Build" from B4i. (Upload the ipa file to cloud and download from another Mac (or copy the ipa to another Mac) and run a simulator. Use Archive Utility to unzip the content. You get a Payload folder with and files. Drag and drop the to the running simulator.
And thanks for this description. It does seem a little complicated though. I mean, in many cases the same mac would hold both the local builder and the Simulator. So it kind of would make sense to have an option in B4i for "Build and run Simulator app", where the local builder would automatically open the build in the Simulator. (And thus wouldn't have us download+upload+unzip+dragdrop.)

It seems I'm getting a local mac, to run local builder and Simulator. I decided against it a cople of days ago, but I think the Simulator tipped the scales in favour of actually getting a mac.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It does seem a little complicated though
The steps I explained above are for sharing your app to run in another Mac maybe by your friend or colleague.
If you have access to a Mac then you don't need to do the same. You can do what stated by Erel above by just running the Simulator in a local Mac.

If you have a Local Mac Then
    You can use B4iBuildServer with iPhone or Simulator
     You can use Hosted Builder with iPhone
End If
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Licensed User
Longtime User
The steps I explained above are for sharing your app to run in another Mac maybe by your friend or colleague.
If you have access to a Mac then you don't need to do the same. You can do what stated by Erel above by just running the Simulator in a local Mac.

If you have a Local Mac Then
    You can use B4iBuildServer with iPhone or Simulator
     You can use Hosted Builder with iPhone
End If
That's great, thanks for clarifying!
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Well-Known Member
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It seems I'm getting a local mac, to run local builder and Simulator. I decided against it a cople of days ago, but I think the Simulator tipped the scales in favour of actually getting a mac.
It's easy to be confused when choosing a Mac for dev use. I have a Mac mini (running Catalina* so it may be outdated soon) just to use as a b4i build server. Ok, I tell a little lie, I also use it as a media server but thats another story.

I recently bought a 2010 Mac Pro thinking I could use that but alas no... its too old to run a compatible version of Xcode. I can run B4X on it, using Parallels VM software but the build has to be done on a more up to date Mac.

This is where you have to be careful/spend more money. Get the latest Mac you can justify the expense of and make sure its new enough to run at least Xcode 12. From an earlier discussion with Erel, it seems Xcode 13 will soon be needed.

*Apple like to give names to their OS versions. Catalina is v10. The latest (v12) is called Monterey. Apple likes to keep us both confused and on our toes.
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So if I buy a Mac with at very least 12 / Monterey, that will allow me to install xcode. Then run parallels to get a windows box on which I install B4i. Is B4i able to connect to or simulate an iPhone or is that done elsewhere. Sorry to ask such basic question, I know there'll be forums on it but since you are discussing similar I just thought I'd ask
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