I have a problem related to drawing text on a bitmap. When text is drawn on the canvas the resulting bitmap is multiple times the size of the original bitmap.
I need to keep close as to the original image dimensions, size, and quality as possible.
Each time the bitmap is 'edited' the size of the bitmap becomes unmanageable and causes an app crash.
Here is a sample app demonstrating the increase in bitmap size:
The log shows the issue:
The app is on an iphone 7 using the remote build server.
I will email the zip file, as it is too large to post with a 5Mb sample file.
Am I missing something obvious?
I need to keep close as to the original image dimensions, size, and quality as possible.
Each time the bitmap is 'edited' the size of the bitmap becomes unmanageable and causes an app crash.
Here is a sample app demonstrating the increase in bitmap size:
'Code module
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: CanvasBitmap
#Version: 1.0.0
'Orientation possible values: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight and PortraitUpsideDown
#iPhoneOrientations: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight
#iPadOrientations: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight, PortraitUpsideDown
#Target: iPhone, iPad
#ATSEnabled: True
#MinVersion: 8
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public App As Application
Public NavControl As NavigationController
Private MainPage As Page
Private xui As XUI
Private Button1 As Button
Private ImageView1 As ImageView
Private bmpinput As B4XBitmap
Private cvs As B4XCanvas
Private add_text As String
Private xui As XUI
Private Button2 As Button
End Sub
Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
NavControl = Nav
End Sub
Sub Button1_Click
If File.Exists(File.DirLibrary, "Test_01.jpg") Then
File.Delete(File.DirLibrary, "Test_01.jpg")
End If
If File.Exists(File.DirLibrary, "TempOut.jpg") Then
File.Delete(File.DirLibrary, "TempOut.jpg")
End If
If File.Exists(File.DirLibrary, "TempOut2.jpg") Then
File.Delete(File.DirLibrary, "TempOut2.jpg")
End If
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "Test_01.jpg", File.DirLibrary, "Test_01.jpg")
Log("Input File size: " & File.Size(File.DirLibrary, "Test_01.jpg"))
bmpinput = xui.LoadBitmap(File.DirLibrary, "Test_01.jpg")
Dim iv As ImageView
iv.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 1, 0, 0, bmpinput.Width, bmpinput.height)
add_text = "Put this text on bitmap"
Dim text_size_int As Int
text_size_int = 110
Dim text_colour As Object
cvs.DrawText(add_text, 10dip , bmpinput.Height - 28dip ,Font.CreateNew(text_size_int), text_colour, "LEFT")
Dim Out As OutputStream
Out = File.OpenOutput(File.DirLibrary, "TempOut.jpg", False)
cvs.CreateBitmap.WriteToStream(Out, 100, "JPEG")
ImageView1.Bitmap = xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirLibrary, "TempOut.jpg",ImageView1.Width, ImageView1.Height, True)
Log("output written")
Log("Output File size: " & File.Size(File.DirLibrary,"TempOut.jpg"))
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click
Log("Input File 2 size: " & File.Size(File.DirLibrary, "TempOut.jpg"))
bmpinput = xui.LoadBitmap(File.DirLibrary, "TempOut.jpg")
Dim iv As ImageView
iv.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 1, 0, 0, bmpinput.Width, bmpinput.height)
add_text = "Put more text on bitmap"
Dim text_size_int As Int
text_size_int = 110
Dim text_colour As Object
cvs.DrawText(add_text, 10dip , bmpinput.Height - 28dip ,Font.CreateNew(text_size_int), text_colour, "RIGHT")
Dim Out As OutputStream
Out = File.OpenOutput(File.DirLibrary, "TempOut2.jpg", False)
cvs.CreateBitmap.WriteToStream(Out, 100, "JPEG")
ImageView1.Bitmap = xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirLibrary, "TempOut2.jpg",ImageView1.Width, ImageView1.Height, True)
Log("output2 written")
Log("Output2 File size: " & File.Size(File.DirLibrary,"TempOut2.jpg"))
End Sub
The log shows the issue:
Input File size: 5931008
output written
Output File size: 60912978
Input File 2 size: 60912978
Error occurred on line: 92 (Main)
Object was not initialized (UIImage)
etc etc...
The app is on an iphone 7 using the remote build server.
I will email the zip file, as it is too large to post with a 5Mb sample file.
Am I missing something obvious?