This is my first posted library, i wait feedbak of the forum.
Not release library source code yet. I wait firsts opinions, ideas and minor bug if founded. (see the photos)
I think that version 1.0 are not for realease (near alpha) .
I need to polish to make easier to beginners.
I apreciate your's opinion's.
Calc Text or MathCalc
all full customs keys, (text, size, colors). Easy and simple way to catch keys inputs.
I hope be usefull.
By, Ricardo.
( Library + Demo Source, Copy dynakey files to libraries first!!)
This is my first posted library, i wait feedbak of the forum.
Not release library source code yet. I wait firsts opinions, ideas and minor bug if founded. (see the photos)
I think that version 1.0 are not for realease (near alpha) .
I need to polish to make easier to beginners.
I apreciate your's opinion's.
Calc Text or MathCalc
all full customs keys, (text, size, colors). Easy and simple way to catch keys inputs.
I hope be usefull.
By, Ricardo.
Dim FuncKeyb As DynaKey ' define a keyboard class
Dim font1,font2,font3,font4 As Float ' define fonts predefined.
Dim ufont1,ufont2,ufont3 As Float
' init, and 5x5 array of keys ,parents and size, (see full code)
NumKeyb.Initialize(parentname,act,pan1,00%x,50%y,100%x,50%y,5,5) 'parent,x,y,w,h,col,rows (all boxes botons)
' defining a font make more visual "homogeneus?" and easy to change.
' Test in others phones size. ( work for me)
' define any key in x,y array position , in this case 5x5
'+ cell size (if ocupies more that one , like spacerbar horizontal or vertical
' name, font and color
' uppername , font and color
' gradient colors background
' tag that is send back to you by dynakey class.
Sub DynaKey_Click(b As Button)
Select b.tag
Case "@" ' The idea is that arroba (or you prefer) , use the keyname of the boton.
' If you press A, read A from b.text
' Both click and long click send a tag and a the principal name.
' We must supose a long click are relation of the litle upper name.
Log(" "&b.Text)
Case "U"
Case "F"
Case "K"
Case "<"
Case ">"
Case "ABC"
setpanels (True,False,False)
Case "123","_"
setpanels (False,False,True)
Case "FUN"
setpanels (True,False,False)
Case ">>"
Case "<<"
Case "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","*","."
Case "MR"
Case "M+"
Case "M-"
Case "CPI","COS(","SIN(","TAN(","LOG(","POWER","RAIZ","ABS","MOD","(",")","/","%"
Case "*","/","+","-"
Case "="
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
( Library + Demo Source, Copy dynakey files to libraries first!!)
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