B4J Code Snippet Dynamic plain HTML form web-page

If you start building your first Server web app - this is the simplest example of the dynamically generated web-page with just a plain HTML form code, without any JavaScript, CSS... Just a bare functional.
It helps to pass your settings into the web-app and show back some info from the app.
Only code of the app handler (class module "grabber_settings" - note it's referenced in the HTML-form code) is shown where all is done - receiving form fields and reply to the user (to web-browser) by HTML-code.
The generated web-page is self-refreshed each 10 seconds to update the status on the screen.
Some links are to the variables in Main app module, ignore them (it's for main app function: grabber of RTSP video stream to .jpg-frames).

B4J web-app handler code:
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize

End Sub

Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
        Dim Params As Map = req.ParameterMap
'        Log(CRLF & "------------" & CRLF & "Method: " & req.Method)
'        Log("ContentType: " & req.ContentType)
'        Log(req.GetSession.GetAttributesNames)
'        Log(Params)
        Dim form_result, ResponseText As StringBuilder
        Dim new_url As String = req.GetParameter("RTSP_URL")
        If new_url <> "" Then
            If new_url <> Main.RTSP_URL Then
                Main.Grabbing = False
                Main.RTSP_URL = new_url
                form_result.Append("New URL is saved.").Append(CRLF)
                form_result.Append("URL was not changed.").Append(CRLF)
            End If
        End If
        Dim new_url As String = req.GetParameter("frames_path")
        If new_url <> "" Then
            If new_url <> Main.Frames_Path Then
                If File.Exists(new_url, "") Then
                    Main.Frames_Path = new_url
                    form_result.Append("New path is saved.").Append(CRLF)
                    form_result.Append("New path was WRONG: non-existent, ignored.").Append(CRLF)
                End If
                form_result.Append("Path was not changed.").Append(CRLF)
            End If
        End If
        If Params.ContainsKey("btnStart") Then
            Main.LastGrabbingError = ""
            Main.LastOutputFile = ""
            Main.Grabbing = True
            form_result.Append("Service is started.").Append(CRLF)
        End If
        If Params.ContainsKey("btnStop") Then
            Main.Grabbing = False
            form_result.Append("Service is stopped.").Append(CRLF)
        End If
        ResponseText.Append($"<html><body><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">"$)    'auto-refresh web-page
        ResponseText.Append("Server v." & Main.ver & " time: " & DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now))
        ResponseText.Append("<form method='POST' action='grabber_settings'>")
        Dim rtsp_form As String = $"Source IP-camera RTSP address: <input type="text" name="RTSP_URL" size="35" value="$ & Main.RTSP_URL & "></input>"
        rtsp_form = rtsp_form & $"<button type="Submit">Save URL</button>"$
        Dim rtsp_form As String = $"Grabbed frames path: <input type="text" name="frames_path" size="65" value="$ & Main.Frames_Path & "></input>"
        rtsp_form = rtsp_form & $"<button type="Submit">Save path</button>"$
        ResponseText.Append("<br>").Append("Grabbing service: " & (IIf(Main.Grabbing, $"<button type="Submit" name="btnStop">STOP</button>"$, _
        $"<button type="Submit" name="btnStart">START !</button>"$)))
        If form_result.Length > 0 Then
        End If
       If Main.LastOutputFile <> "" Then
            Dim path As String = File.GetFileParent(Main.LastOutputFile)
            Dim FileExt As String = Main.LastOutputFile.SubString2(Main.LastOutputFile.Length - 4, Main.LastOutputFile.Length)
            Dim Files As List = File.ListFiles(path)
            Dim counter As Long
            For i = 0 To Files.Size - 1
                Dim fn As String = Files.Get(i)
                If fn.EndsWith(FileExt) Then
                    counter = counter + 1
                End If
            ResponseText.Append("<br>").Append("LastOutputFile: " & Main.LastOutputFile & "<br>" & FileExt & "-frames totally grabbed = " & counter)
        End If
        If Main.LastGrabbingError <> "" Then
            ResponseText.Append("<br>").Append("LastGrabbingError: " & Main.LastGrabbingError)
        End If
        resp.Write(ResponseText.ToString)   'pass the reply HTML text to user's browser
        resp.SendError(500, "Server internal error")
    End Try
End Sub

  1. Saving the parameters from fields
  2. Error reporting

    Runtime errors reporting:

  3. Working and reporting about the status
NOTE: Sign "!" in any file path is forbidden, do not use it, it's a special symbol for Java programs.
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