B4J Question Encryption Passphrase can be viewed by a simple decompile.


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So for some reason I was curious to see if I can view the Jar code. Downloaded a simple decompile tool and yep.. can view the java code. But what I was afraid of.. is my java code has an encryption passphrase to encrypt and decrypt for software use.. and yep.. I can view my passphrase plain as day as well as some other global items.

I have two software that communicate with encrypted info.. is there no way to hide the passphrase better than that?


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There may be a lot of ways to hide the passphrase, but the truth is that any hacker that wants that key will not take longer than 5 mins to take it, you just used a decompiler for that, but if you use a debugger, it will be even easier.

Usually the best way to encrypt some information is to use a user-made password for it.
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Process global strings are obfuscated (in release - obfuscated mode). This will make it a bit more difficult for a hacker to get the secret value.

I was wondering what that release mode was for..

Do I need to keep that ObfuscatorMap.txt?
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