I am trying to run a B4i app. With the "Hosted Builder" everything worked perfectly.
But as I need the screenshots on the different IOS devices to publish it, I'm trying to compile it on an IOS machine, which I connect to via Apple Remote Desktop (ARD).
It seems to compile it fine, but when it is going to be shown in the simulator I get the error: domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=3
Can you help me?
But as I need the screenshots on the different IOS devices to publish it, I'm trying to compile it on an IOS machine, which I connect to via Apple Remote Desktop (ARD).
It seems to compile it fine, but when it is going to be shown in the simulator I get the error: domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=3
B4i Versión: 8.30
Parseando código. (0.16s)
Building folders structure. (0.05s)
Corriendo accion personalizada. (0.05s)
Compilando código. (0.35s)
Compilado códigos de diseños. (0.01s)
Compilando el código del motor de depuración. (0.02s)
Compilando proyecto Xcode. (0.08s)
Preparando el proyecto para el constructor. (0.17s)
Tamaño del proyecto: 1.63 MB
Enviando datos al compilador remoto. Error
Error: An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=3):
Simulator device returned an error for the requested operation.
No such process
Underlying error (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=3):
Application launch for 'es.idasi.myapp' did not return a valid pid nor a launch error.
No such process
Build server version: 7.51
18:03:26| Compilation time: 9244, idasi4a, queue: 0, success: true
success: true, 3
Can you help me?