Android Question Error with themes on compile


Hi there,
i'm quite new to B4A, come from VB background.
Was building my first little app, and seemed to be going ok, then I started to get compile error;
Generating R file. Error
res\values-v20\theme.xml:3: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@android:style/Theme.Material'.

Full screenshot here

Not too sure why this started to happen. But I had to swap my test device from modern android8 to an old tablet android5.

In the B4A manual it makes mention of using only "android-28", I'm only able to get 'android-19' installed, so wasnt sure if that is related to problem?

Any help, much appreciated.



Yep, I followed those instructions, and twice I've downloaded from that link, and both times it gives me android 19.
I really dont know much about android sdk, where do I get android28 from?
Google didnt help, and i searched here aswell.
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I just noticed it has Install Recommended button and have pressed that. Thought i'd already done that during the install from the Configure paths. Will try that and retest tomorrow.
thanks again
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I updated everything via the SDK manager but still gives same error.
res\values-v20\theme.xml:3: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@android:style/Theme.Material'.

Here is sdk manager screenshot with recommended Installations all completed. I have closed and restarted B4A since update also.
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Yes, i have it working now.

The problem was the v28 file was extracted to the zips extraction, but the android.jar in my C:\android\ path was only the v.19.
Thanks for the assistance anyways.
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