Hello community,
I still despair with the part. The whole weekend but unsuccessful ...
The board and OLED work via Arduino SDK. Via B4R I just don't get the OLED to light up ... Does anyone have an idea? I've already tried all the examples and pins.
I still despair with the part. The whole weekend but unsuccessful ...
The board and OLED work via Arduino SDK. Via B4R I just don't get the OLED to light up ... Does anyone have an idea? I've already tried all the examples and pins.
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private SSD As AdafruitSSD1306
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
SSD.InitializeHSPI(4, 16, 15)
SSD.GFX.ConfigureText(1, SSD.WHITE, False)
SSD.GFX.DrawText("Try text")
End Sub