Does anyone know how to change the color of Exoplayer controls like play, pause, previous, next, duration, etc.?
Now, with the latest version, the controls stay in white color with blanck background, despite what I add into the manifest. I know how to change the background color with
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = SimpleExoPlayerView1
Dim controller As B4XView = r.GetField("controller")
controller.GetView(0).Color = xui.Color_Green
I wish I can do the same with the controls, not only background. What will be the field name, if possible. For the background, thanks to Erel, it's "controller".
Thank you for your help.
Now, with the latest version, the controls stay in white color with blanck background, despite what I add into the manifest. I know how to change the background color with
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = SimpleExoPlayerView1
Dim controller As B4XView = r.GetField("controller")
controller.GetView(0).Color = xui.Color_Green
I wish I can do the same with the controls, not only background. What will be the field name, if possible. For the background, thanks to Erel, it's "controller".
Thank you for your help.