Experiencing popups


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Are you intentionally advertising on your site with popups? There have been many times that I click on one of your tabs and get an add for something.

If it's intentional I can appreciate you wanting to make money and I'll accept that, however, if you aren't doing it, then I'm concerned one of us is hacked.



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Longtime User
With what browser do you see it ?
It had some ads in august last year in Firefox.
This had noting to do with Basic4Android because the ads appeared also with other sites.
I uninstalled Firefox reinstalled it and the ads disappeared but came back some time after. With the latest version of Firefox I had them.

Best regards.
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Longtime User
OK, Good to know. I am using Chrome and I have no extensions enabled except for a Google RSS Subscription. If I start getting them again I'll disable that and see what happens after. The RSS Subscription might have been added when I subscribed to one of these threads.
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