Wish External Editor option in Modules Tab too


Licensed User
Longtime User
The files tab has external editor, for images. We can configure any editor exe.


Can we have same for modules tab ?


This will help me to edit a .b4a or .bas text file in my text editor. Opening the File Explorer and then right clicking and selecting my editor takes time.
Directly opening the .b4a,.bas file in editor will be much much quicker AFAIK.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't get it. Isn't clicking on it open the file?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't get it. Isn't double clicking open the file?
It opens in B4A ide, which is good.
But sometimes I want it to open in external editor quickly.

B4A ide keeps track and updated the file in ide, if changed from external editor.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Just curious, what changes do you do in your external editor?
Key mapping. I have different key mapping in the text editor I have been using for years and kinda habituated to them.
Script. I have different text manipulation scripts for various task I need.
Template text. To insert quickly predefined text.
and more

In sort to do the coding quickly in more familiar environment. Nothing against B4A ide but some features which I have habit of using.
Since we already have the external editor option for files, we can extend the same for modules too.
(I also do same for my VS C# projects, opening quickly in text editor when I need it)