Android Tutorial Fancy Code

Just like the clothes you wear, the code you write will also reflect your personal style.
Let's get fancy, shall we? ;)
     Dim validation As Boolean
     Dim sum = 1 + 1 As Int
     If sum = 2 Then validation = True

     Dim sum = 1 + 1 As Int
     Dim validation = (sum = 2) As Boolean

     a = a + 1
     If a >= 100 then a = 100

     a = min(a + 1, 100)

     a = a - 1
     If a <= 0 then a = 0

     a = max(a - 1, 0)

Do you have some more fancy examples of elegant B4X code?
Share it with us!



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     Dim sum = 1 + 1 As Int
     Dim validation = (sum = 2) As Boolean
I struggle to get my head around this. I think it's because in other languages I program in a single "=" is assigning a value whereas a"==" is comparing values.

I like your other examples too. The only basic one I use regularly is the flip flop...


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I use the toggle one a lot and also, instead of:

if (whatever) = true/false then...

I use

if whatever then... or.... if not(whatever) then...

and they complement each other better than using true/false.

My coding isn`t done until I`ve looked at every line and tried to reduce it down to its simplest form.


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Normally I always declare the type first so I would write it as:

Dim sum        as Int      = 1 + 1
Dim validation as Boolean  = (sum = 2)
I'm not sure what difference that makes.
It should be completely ambiguous.

When coding, I like pretend that I'm a Roman Emperor and follow the sentence structure which seems more natural to me. ;) :D
Dim sum = 1 + 1 As Int 'Hereby I declare "sum", the container of "1+1", as an integer.
Dim sum As Int = 1 + 1 'Hereby I declare "sum", as an integer, the container of "1+1".

Then again, English isn't my native language. :rolleyes:


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I'm not sure what difference that makes.

I allways do the same as you. Didnt know the type could be placed last LOL.

ABout the difference, you can check the generated java code:

Dim sum        as Int      = 1 + 1


Dim sum  =    1 + 1       As Int

Are translated to:

byte byte0 = 0;
byte0 = 2;

Why byte if I declared Int? o_O

But if you chage it for this:
Dim sum        as Int      = 1 + 1
Sum = Sum + 20000


Dim sum  =    1 + 1       As Int
Sum = Sum + 20000

Are translated to:

int i = 0;
i = 2;
i += 20000; return "";

So there are some strange compiler optimizations. It analize the use of the vars, changes the Type and skips completly the operation (1+1), :eek:

But, the point is, you can use the type before or after, its just the same result.

Peter Simpson

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Normally I always declare the type first so I would write it as:

Dim sum        as Int      = 1 + 1
Dim validation as Boolean  = (sum = 2)
I'm not sure what difference that makes.

I too declare 'Types' first as I believe in my case it's easier for me to read naturally without thinking about it, but that's just me...


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I'm disappointed that @Erel hasn't shared some of his 'fancy' code.
He must have plenty under the hood of B4X! ;)