Italian fascia cardio ble


Licensed User
Salve e da poco che ho iniziato la programmazione di App.
Sto cercando di leggere i dati della fascia cardio.
Ho provato la demo ble2 in parte funziona ma non decodifica i valori della cardio.
allego foto.
c'e la libreria HeartBertView ma non capisco come usarla.
Qualcuno può aiutarmi
Qualcuno ha un codice di esempio?
Grazie Simone


  • Screenshot_2018-02-03-22-34-52.png
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  • Screenshot_2018-02-03-22-34-46.png
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
purtroppo della fascia cardio non so nulla, comunque dalle immagini che hai allegato si capisce che sei riuscito a connetterti con la fascia, per cui "sembra" sia solo un problema di decodifica dei dati.
Non hai documentazione sui dati ricevuti ??
Probabilmente hai solo un problema di capire come sono strutturati.
I dati ricevuti sono sempre uguali oppure cominiciando a correre i dati cambiano ??

qui dovresti trovare alcune info:


Licensed User
esatto non capisco come gestisce i dati ricevuti dal ble.
e non so come funziona la libreria ble ed heartbeatview.
ecco il codice che uso di esempio di Erel.
librerie = BLE2, string utils, XUI

Sub Process_Globals
    Public manager As BleManager2
    Public currentStateText As String = "UNKNOWN"
    Public currentState As Int
    Public connected As Boolean = False
    Public ConnectedName As String
    Private ConnectedServices As List
    Public rp As RuntimePermissions
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
End Sub

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)

End Sub

Public Sub ReadData
    For Each s As String In ConnectedServices
End Sub

Public Sub Disconnect
End Sub

Sub Manager_StateChanged (State As Int)
    Select State
        Case manager.STATE_POWERED_OFF
            currentStateText = "POWERED OFF"
        Case manager.STATE_POWERED_ON
            currentStateText = "POWERED ON"
        Case manager.STATE_UNSUPPORTED
            currentStateText = "UNSUPPORTED"
    End Select
    currentState = State
    CallSub(Main, "StateChanged")
End Sub

Sub Manager_DeviceFound (Name As String, Id As String, AdvertisingData As Map, RSSI As Double)
    Log("Found: " & Name & ", " & Id & ", RSSI = " & RSSI & ", " & AdvertisingData)
    ConnectedName = Name
    manager.Connect2(Id, False) 'disabling auto connect can make the connection quicker
End Sub

Public Sub StartScan
    If manager.State <> manager.STATE_POWERED_ON Then
        Log("Not powered on.")
    Else If rp.Check(rp.PERMISSION_ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) = False Then
        Log("No location permission.")
        manager.Scan2(Null, False)
    End If
End Sub

Sub Manager_DataAvailable (ServiceId As String, Characteristics As Map)
    CallSub3(Main, "DataAvailable", ServiceId, Characteristics)
End Sub

Sub Manager_Disconnected
    connected = False
    CallSub(Main, "StateChanged")
End Sub

Sub Manager_Connected (services As List)
    connected = True
    ConnectedServices = services
    CallSub(Main, "StateChanged")
End Sub

'Return true to allow the OS default exceptions handler to handle the uncaught exception.
Sub Application_Error (Error As Exception, StackTrace As String) As Boolean
    Return True
End Sub

Sub Service_Destroy

End Sub
Sub Globals
    Private btnReadData As Button
    Private btnDisconnect As Button
    Private btnScan As Button
    Private lblDeviceStatus As Label
    Private lblState As Label
    Private pbReadData As ProgressBar
    Private pbScan As ProgressBar
    Private clv As CustomListView
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub

Public Sub StateChanged
    lblState.Text = Starter.currentStateText
    If Starter.connected Then
        lblDeviceStatus.Text = "Connected: " & Starter.ConnectedName
        lblDeviceStatus.Text = "Not connected"
    End If
    btnDisconnect.Enabled = Starter.connected
    btnScan.Enabled = Not(Starter.connected)
    pbReadData.Visible = False
    pbScan.Visible = False
    btnReadData.Enabled = Starter.connected
    btnScan.Enabled = (Starter.currentState = Starter.manager.STATE_POWERED_ON) And Starter.connected = False
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub btnScan_Click
    Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
    If Result = False Then Return
    pbScan.Visible = True
    CallSub(Starter, "StartScan")
End Sub

Sub DataAvailable (Service As String, Characteristics As Map)
    pbReadData.Visible = False
    clv.Add(CreateServiceItem(Service), "")
    For Each id As String In Characteristics.Keys
        clv.Add(CreateCharacteristicItem(id, Characteristics.Get(id)), "")
End Sub

Sub btnDisconnect_Click
    CallSub(Starter, "Disconnect")
End Sub

Sub btnReadData_Click
    pbReadData.Visible = True
    CallSub(Starter, "ReadData")
End Sub

Sub CreateServiceItem (service As String) As Panel
    Dim pnl As Panel
    pnl.Color = 0xFF808080
    pnl.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, clv.AsView.Width, 30dip)
    Dim lbl As Label
    lbl.Text = service
    lbl.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
    lbl.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
    pnl.AddView(lbl, 0, 0, clv.AsView.Width, 30dip)
    Return pnl
End Sub

Sub CreateCharacteristicItem(Id As String, Data() As Byte) As Panel
    Dim pnl As Panel
    pnl.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, clv.AsView.Width, 40dip)
    pnl.Color = Colors.White
    Dim lbl As Label
    lbl.Text = Id
    pnl.AddView(lbl, 0, 0, clv.AsView.Width, 20dip)
    Dim lbl2 As Label
'Log (Data)
        lbl2.Text = BytesToString(Data, 0, Data.Length, "UTF-8")
        lbl2.Text = "Error reading data as string"
    End Try
    lbl2.TextColor = 0xFF909090
    lbl2.TextSize = 14
    pnl.AddView(lbl2, 0, 20dip, clv.AsView.Width, 20dip)
    Return pnl
End Sub

'xCustomListView v1.50
#Event: ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
#Event: ReachEnd
#Event: VisibleRangeChanged (FirstIndex As Int, LastIndex as Int)
#Event: ScrollChanged (Offset As Int)
#DesignerProperty: Key: DividerColor, DisplayName: Divider Color, FieldType: Color, DefaultValue: 0xFFD9D7DE
#DesignerProperty: Key: DividerHeight, DisplayName: Divider Height, FieldType: Int, DefaultValue: 2
#DesignerProperty: Key: PressedColor, DisplayName: Pressed Color, FieldType: Color, DefaultValue: 0xFF7EB4FA
#DesignerProperty: Key: InsertAnimationDuration, DisplayName: Insert Animation Duration, FieldType: Int, DefaultValue: 300
#DesignerProperty: Key: ListOrientation, DisplayName: List Orientation, FieldType: String, DefaultValue: Vertical, List: Vertical|Horizontal
Sub Class_Globals
    Private mBase As B4XView
    Public sv As B4XView
    Type CLVItem(Panel As B4XView, Size As Int, Value As Object, _
        Color As Int, TextItem As Boolean, Offset As Int)
    Private items As List
    Private DividerSize As Float
    Private EventName As String
    Private CallBack As Object
    Public DefaultTextColor As Int
    Public DefaultTextBackgroundColor As Int
    Public AnimationDuration As Int = 300
    Private LastReachEndEvent As Long
    Private PressedColor As Int
    Private xui As XUI
    Private DesignerLabel As Label
    Private horizontal As Boolean
#if B4J
    Private fx As JFX
#else if B4A
    Private su As StringUtils
#else if B4i

#end if
    Private FirstVisibleIndex = -1, LastVisibleIndex = 0x7FFFFFFF As Int
    Private MonitorVisibleRange As Boolean
    Private FireScrollChanged As Boolean
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize (vCallBack As Object, vEventName As String)
    EventName = vEventName
    CallBack = vCallBack
    DefaultTextBackgroundColor = xui.Color_White
    DefaultTextColor = xui.Color_Black
    MonitorVisibleRange = xui.SubExists(CallBack, EventName & "_VisibleRangeChanged", 2)
    FireScrollChanged = xui.SubExists(CallBack, EventName & "_ScrollChanged", 1)
End Sub

Public Sub DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map)
    mBase = Base
    Dim o As String = Props.GetDefault("ListOrientation", "Vertical")
    horizontal = o = "Horizontal"
    sv = CreateScrollView
    mBase.AddView(sv, 0, 0, mBase.Width, mBase.Height)
    sv.ScrollViewInnerPanel.Color = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Props.Get("DividerColor"))
    DividerSize = DipToCurrent(Props.Get("DividerHeight")) 'need to scale the value
    PressedColor = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Props.Get("PressedColor"))
    AnimationDuration = Props.GetDefault("InsertAnimationDuration", AnimationDuration)
    DefaultTextColor = xui.PaintOrColorToColor(Lbl.TextColor)
    DefaultTextBackgroundColor = mBase.Color
    DesignerLabel = Lbl
    Base_Resize(mBase.Width, mBase.Height)
End Sub

Private Sub Base_Resize (Width As Double, Height As Double)
    sv.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, Width, Height)
    Dim scrollbar As Int
    If xui.IsB4J Then scrollbar = 20
    If horizontal Then
        sv.ScrollViewContentHeight = Height - scrollbar
        For Each it As CLVItem In items
            it.Panel.Height = sv.ScrollViewContentHeight
            it.Panel.GetView(0).Height = it.Panel.Height
        sv.ScrollViewContentWidth = Width - scrollbar
        For Each it As CLVItem In items
            it.Panel.Width = sv.ScrollViewContentWidth
            it.Panel.GetView(0).Width = it.Panel.Width
            If it.TextItem Then
                Dim lbl As B4XView = it.Panel.GetView(0).GetView(0)
                lbl.SetLayoutAnimated(0, lbl.Left, lbl.Top, it.Panel.Width - lbl.Left, lbl.Height)
            End If
    End If
    If items.Size > 0 Then UpdateVisibleRange
End Sub

Public Sub AsView As B4XView
    Return mBase
End Sub

'Clears all items.
Public Sub Clear
End Sub

Public Sub GetBase As B4XView
    Return mBase
End Sub

'Returns the number of items.
Public Sub getSize As Int
    Return items.Size
End Sub

Private Sub GetItem(Index As Int) As CLVItem
    Return items.Get(Index)
End Sub

'Returns the Panel stored at the specified index.
Public Sub GetPanel(Index As Int) As B4XView
    Return GetItem(Index).Panel.GetView(0)
End Sub

'Returns the value stored at the specified index.
Public Sub GetValue(Index As Int) As Object
    Return GetItem(Index).Value
End Sub

'Removes the item at the specified index.
Public Sub RemoveAt(Index As Int)
    If getSize <= 1 Then
    End If
    Dim RemoveItem As CLVItem = items.Get(Index)
    Dim p As B4XView
    For i = Index + 1 To items.Size - 1
        Dim item As CLVItem = items.Get(i)
        p = item.Panel
        p.Tag = i - 1
        Dim NewOffset As Int = item.Offset - item.Size - DividerSize
        SetItemOffset(item, NewOffset)
    SetScrollViewContentSize(GetScrollViewContentSize - RemoveItem.Size - DividerSize)
End Sub

'Adds a text item. The item height will be adjusted based on the text.
Public Sub AddTextItem(Text As Object, Value As Object)
    InsertAtTextItem(items.Size, Text, Value)
End Sub

'Inserts a text item at the specified index.
Public Sub InsertAtTextItem(Index As Int, Text As Object, Value As Object)
    If horizontal Then
        Log("AddTextItem is only supported in vertical orientation.")
    End If
    Dim pnl As B4XView = CreatePanel("")
    Dim lbl As B4XView = CreateLabel(Text)
    lbl.Height = Max(50dip, lbl.Height)
    pnl.AddView(lbl, 5dip, 2dip, sv.ScrollViewContentWidth - 10dip, lbl.Height)
    lbl.TextColor = DefaultTextColor
    pnl.Color = DefaultTextBackgroundColor
    pnl.Height = lbl.Height + 2dip
    InsertAt(Index, pnl, Value)
    Dim item As CLVItem = GetItem(Index)
    item.TextItem = True
End Sub

'Adds a custom item at the specified index.
Public Sub InsertAt(Index As Int, pnl As B4XView, Value As Object)
    Dim size As Float
    If horizontal Then
        size = pnl.Width
        size = pnl.Height
    End If
    InsertAtImpl(Index, pnl, size, Value, 0)
End Sub

Private Sub InsertAtImpl(Index As Int, Pnl As B4XView, ItemSize As Int, Value As Object, InitialSize As Int)
    'create another panel to handle the click event
    Dim p As B4XView = CreatePanel("Panel")
    p.Color = Pnl.Color
    Pnl.Color = xui.Color_Transparent
    If horizontal Then
        p.AddView(Pnl, 0, 0, ItemSize, sv.ScrollViewContentHeight)
        p.AddView(Pnl, 0, 0, sv.ScrollViewContentWidth, ItemSize)
    End If
    p.Tag = Index
    Dim IncludeDividierHeight As Int
    If InitialSize = 0 Then IncludeDividierHeight = DividerSize Else IncludeDividierHeight = 0
    Dim NewItem As CLVItem
    NewItem.Panel = p
    NewItem.Size = ItemSize
    NewItem.Value = Value
    NewItem.Color = p.Color
    If Index = items.Size And InitialSize = 0 Then
        Dim offset As Int
        If Index = 0 Then
            offset = DividerSize
            offset = GetScrollViewContentSize
        End If
        NewItem.Offset = offset
        If horizontal Then
            sv.ScrollViewInnerPanel.AddView(p, offset, 0, ItemSize, sv.Height)
            sv.ScrollViewInnerPanel.AddView(p, 0, offset, sv.Width, ItemSize)
        End If
        Dim offset As Int
        If Index = 0 Then
            offset = DividerSize
            Dim PrevItem As CLVItem = items.Get(Index - 1)
            offset = PrevItem.Offset + PrevItem.Size + DividerSize
        End If
        For i = Index To items.Size - 1
            Dim It As CLVItem = items.Get(i)
            Dim NewOffset As Int = It.Offset + ItemSize - InitialSize + IncludeDividierHeight
            If Min(NewOffset, It.Offset) - GetScrollViewOffset < GetScrollViewVisibleSize Then
                It.Offset = NewOffset
                If horizontal Then
                    It.Panel.SetLayoutAnimated(AnimationDuration, NewOffset, 0, It.Size, It.Panel.Height)
                    It.Panel.SetLayoutAnimated(AnimationDuration, 0, NewOffset, It.Panel.Width, It.Size)
                End If
                SetItemOffset(It, NewOffset)
            End If
            It.Panel.Tag = i + 1
        items.InsertAt(Index, NewItem)
        NewItem.Offset = offset
        If horizontal Then
            sv.ScrollViewInnerPanel.AddView(p, offset, 0, InitialSize, sv.Height)
            p.SetLayoutAnimated(AnimationDuration, offset, 0, ItemSize, p.Height)
            sv.ScrollViewInnerPanel.AddView(p, 0, offset, sv.Width, InitialSize)
            p.SetLayoutAnimated(AnimationDuration, 0, offset, p.Width, ItemSize)
        End If
    End If
    SetScrollViewContentSize(GetScrollViewContentSize + ItemSize - InitialSize + IncludeDividierHeight)
    If items.Size = 1 Then SetScrollViewContentSize(GetScrollViewContentSize + IncludeDividierHeight)
    If Index < LastVisibleIndex Or GetItem(LastVisibleIndex).Offset + _
            GetItem(LastVisibleIndex).Size + DividerSize < GetScrollViewVisibleSize Then
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateVisibleRange
    If MonitorVisibleRange = False Then Return
    Dim first As Int = getFirstVisibleIndex
    Dim last As Int = getLastVisibleIndex
    If first <> FirstVisibleIndex Or last <> LastVisibleIndex Then
        FirstVisibleIndex = first
        LastVisibleIndex = last
        CallSubDelayed3(CallBack, EventName & "_VisibleRangeChanged", FirstVisibleIndex, LastVisibleIndex)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub GetScrollViewVisibleSize As Float
    If horizontal Then
        Return sv.Width
        Return sv.Height
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub GetScrollViewOffset As Float
    If horizontal Then
        Return sv.ScrollViewOffsetX
        Return sv.ScrollViewOffsetY
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SetScrollViewOffset(offset As Float)
    If horizontal Then
        sv.ScrollViewOffsetX = offset
        sv.ScrollViewOffsetY = offset
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub GetScrollViewContentSize As Float
    If horizontal Then
        Return sv.ScrollViewContentWidth
        Return sv.ScrollViewContentHeight
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SetScrollViewContentSize(f As Float)
    If horizontal Then
        sv.ScrollViewContentWidth = f
        sv.ScrollViewContentHeight = f
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SetItemOffset (item As CLVItem, offset As Float)
    item.Offset = offset
    If horizontal Then
        item.Panel.Left = offset
        item.Panel.Top = offset
    End If
End Sub

'Changes the height of an existing item.
Public Sub ResizeItem(Index As Int, ItemHeight As Int)
    Dim p As B4XView = GetPanel(Index)
    Dim value As Object = items.Get(Index)
    Dim parent As B4XView = p.Parent
    p.Color = parent.Color
    ReplaceAt(Index, p, ItemHeight, value)
End Sub

'Replaces the item at the specified index with a new item.
Public Sub ReplaceAt(Index As Int, pnl As B4XView, ItemHeight As Int, Value As Object)
    Dim RemoveItem As CLVItem = items.Get(Index)
    InsertAtImpl(Index, pnl, ItemHeight, Value, RemoveItem.Size)
End Sub

'Adds a custom item.
Public Sub Add(Pnl As B4XView, Value As Object)
    InsertAt(items.Size, Pnl, Value)
End Sub

'Scrolls the list to the specified item (without animating the scroll).
Public Sub JumpToItem(Index As Int)
End Sub

'Smoothly scrolls the list to the specified item.
Public Sub ScrollToItem(Index As Int)
    #if B4J or B4I
    #Else If B4A
    Dim offset As Float = FindItemOffset(Index)
    If horizontal Then
        Dim hv As HorizontalScrollView = sv
        hv.ScrollPosition = offset 'smooth scroll
        Dim nsv As ScrollView = sv
        nsv.ScrollPosition = offset
    End If
    #End If
End Sub

Private Sub FindItemOffset(Index As Int) As Int
    Return GetItem(Index).Offset
End Sub

'Finds the index of the item (+ divider) based on the offset
Public Sub FindIndexFromOffset(Offset As Int) As Int
    'the next divider is added to the current item
    Dim Position As Int = items.Size / 2
    Dim StepSize As Int = Ceil(Position / 2)
    Do While True
        Dim CurrentItem As CLVItem = items.Get(Position)
        Dim NextOffset As Int
        If Position < items.Size - 1 Then
            NextOffset = GetItem(Position + 1).Offset - 1
            NextOffset = 0x7FFFFFFF
        End If
        Dim PrevOffset As Int
        If Position = 0 Then
            PrevOffset = 0x80000000
            PrevOffset = CurrentItem.Offset
        End If
        If Offset > NextOffset Then
            Position = Min(Position + StepSize, items.Size - 1)
        Else if Offset < PrevOffset Then
            Position = Max(Position - StepSize, 0)
            Return Position
        End If
        StepSize = Ceil(StepSize / 2)
    Return -1
End Sub

'Gets the index of the first visible item.
Public Sub getFirstVisibleIndex As Int
    Return FindIndexFromOffset(GetScrollViewOffset + DividerSize)
End Sub

'Gets the index of the last visible item.
Public Sub getLastVisibleIndex As Int
    Return FindIndexFromOffset(GetScrollViewOffset + GetScrollViewVisibleSize)
End Sub

Private Sub PanelClickHandler(SenderPanel As B4XView)
    Dim clr As Int = GetItem(SenderPanel.Tag).Color
    SenderPanel.SetColorAnimated(50, clr, PressedColor)
    If xui.SubExists(CallBack, EventName & "_ItemClick", 2) Then
        CallSub3(CallBack, EventName & "_ItemClick", SenderPanel.Tag, GetItem(SenderPanel.Tag).Value)
    End If
    SenderPanel.SetColorAnimated(200, PressedColor, clr)
End Sub

'Returns the index of the item that holds the given view.
Public Sub GetItemFromView(v As B4XView) As Int
    Dim parent = v As Object, current As B4XView
    Do While sv.ScrollViewInnerPanel <> parent
        current = parent
        parent = current.Parent
    v = current
    Return v.Tag
End Sub

Private Sub ScrollHandler
    Dim position As Int = GetScrollViewOffset
    If position + GetScrollViewVisibleSize >= GetScrollViewContentSize - 5dip And DateTime.Now > LastReachEndEvent + 100 Then
        If xui.SubExists(CallBack, EventName & "_ReachEnd", 0) Then
            LastReachEndEvent = DateTime.Now
            CallSubDelayed(CallBack, EventName & "_ReachEnd")
            LastReachEndEvent = DateTime.Now + 1000 * DateTime.TicksPerDay 'disable
        End If
    End If
    If FireScrollChanged Then
        CallSub2(CallBack, EventName & "_ScrollChanged", position)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub CreatePanel (PanelEventName As String) As B4XView
    Return xui.CreatePanel(PanelEventName)
End Sub

'******************************* platform specific ***************************************************

#If B4A

Private Sub CreateScrollView As B4XView
    If horizontal Then
        Dim hv As HorizontalScrollView
        hv.Initialize(0, "sv")
        Return hv
        Dim nsv As ScrollView
        nsv.Initialize2(0, "sv")
        Return nsv
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Panel_Click
End Sub

Private Sub sv_ScrollChanged(Position As Int)
End Sub

Private Sub CreateLabel(txt As Object) As B4XView
    Dim lbl As Label
    lbl.Gravity = DesignerLabel.Gravity
    lbl.TextSize = DesignerLabel.TextSize
    lbl.SingleLine = False
    lbl.Text = txt
    lbl.Width = sv.ScrollViewContentWidth - 10dip
    lbl.Height = su.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lbl, txt)
    Return lbl
End Sub

#else If B4i

Private Sub CreateScrollView As B4XView
    Dim nsv As ScrollView
    nsv.Initialize("sv", 0, 0)
    Return nsv
End Sub

Private Sub Panel_Click
End Sub

Sub sv_ScrollChanged (OffsetX As Int, OffsetY As Int)
End Sub

Private Sub CreateLabel(txt As String) As B4XView
    Dim lbl As Label
    lbl.TextAlignment = DesignerLabel.TextAlignment
    lbl.Font = DesignerLabel.Font
    lbl.Multiline = True
    lbl.Text = txt
    lbl.Width = sv.ScrollViewContentWidth - 10dip
    Return lbl
End Sub

#else If B4J
Private Sub CreateScrollView As B4XView
    Dim nsv As ScrollPane
    If horizontal Then
    End If
    Return nsv
End Sub

Private Sub Panel_MouseClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
End Sub

Private Sub sv_VScrollChanged (Position As Double)
End Sub

Private Sub sv_HScrollChanged (Position As Double)
End Sub

Private Sub CreateLabel(txt As String) As B4XView
    Dim lbl As Label
    lbl.Alignment = DesignerLabel.Alignment
    lbl.Style = DesignerLabel.Style
    lbl.Font = DesignerLabel.Font
    lbl.WrapText = True
    lbl.Text = txt
    Dim jo As JavaObject = Me
    Dim width As Double = sv.ScrollViewContentWidth - 10dip
    lbl.PrefHeight = 20dip + jo.RunMethod("MeasureMultilineTextHeight", Array(lbl.Font, txt, width))
    Return lbl
End Sub

#if Java

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.TextBoundsType;
public double MeasureMultilineTextHeight(Font f, String text, double width) throws Exception {
        Method m = Class.forName("").getDeclaredMethod("computeTextHeight",
                Font.class, String.class, double.class, TextBoundsType.class);
        return (Double)m.invoke(null, f, text, width, TextBoundsType.LOGICAL);
#End If

#End If


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
..... mi spieghi perchè hai allegato anche il codice del CustomListView ??
Sai che cos'è ??


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
non so se c'entra qualcosa, non ne ho idea, ma la riga
secondo me va scritta così:
perchè ho visto che tutte le Sub del "manager" sono scritte con la M maiuscola e non so quindi se può esserci un problema che non vengono chiamati gli eventi relativi ma dubito che sia il problema che hai


Licensed User
Longtime User
non so se c'entra qualcosa, non ne ho idea, ma la riga
secondo me va scritta così:
perchè ho visto che tutte le Sub del "manager" sono scritte con la M maiuscola e non so quindi se può esserci un problema che non vengono chiamati gli eventi relativi ma dubito che sia il problema che hai
Ma forse la cosa é ininfluente, perché quando si compila in Java va tutto in minuscolo. (Almeno i nomi delle sub)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Se già hai un software si collega alla fascia, facendo delle prove puoi cercare di capire che tipo di dati invia.
Frequenza Cardiaca,

Ogni numero deve corrispondere a qualcosa


Licensed User
Grazie per l'attenzione.
E da un mese che ho iniziato a programmare.
non ho capito ancora bene come funzionino i vari tipi di moduli.
Sono negato per inglese. anche sapendo sia fondamentale.
I file di code sono i 3 file che Erel ha creato come esempio del bluetooth.
ma nella ricezione alcuni dai vengono interpretati male e non so come capire come coregere.
Inanzi tutto non capisco come acquisire i dati fascia.
Nell'esempio non capisco come gestisca i dati.
Ci sarebbe la libreria heartbeartview ma non so come usarla.

Prima cosa dovrei capire come leggere i dati ricevuti dal ble e pio da li cercare di decodificarli.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Grazie per l'attenzione.
E da un mese che ho iniziato a programmare.
Questo é un problema perché quello che vuoi fare richiede esperienza. La decodifica di dati non é cosi semplice. Un matematico sarebbe auspicabile. Spero che tu intendessi che é un mese che usi B4A.
non so come capire come coregere.
Iniziamo corriggere l'italiano. :p
Non scrivere se sbaglio mi corrigerete, perché già qualcun altro ha usato la stessa battuta. :confused:


Licensed User
Scusatemi per gli errori di lingua.
Considerando che la gestione e complessa la mia domanda e se riesco a capire come funzionano le librerie :Ble 2 , heartbeatview .
La libreria heartbeatview con esempio funziona solo con Lollipop, che io non ho.
Dovrei riuscire a gestire i dati della fascia cardio.
Quindi la mia domanda è come fare a capire il funzionamento delle 2 librerie?