Android Question File.Copy source path from network folder


Licensed User
Am I able to connect to a network folder to download a pdf using File.Copy, providing the path to that folder through a B4A application?


Licensed User
Longtime User
the answer, technically, is no.
if you're talking about a device as a node on a windows computer, then the answer is still no, but you should key "SMB" in the little search box above right. there is a library available.
if you're talking about a device as a node on, eg, a unix-style computer, smb might still apply if the network supports it. unix has some less familiar protocols for file copy, but android would probably refuse to accommodate you.
start with SMB

footnote: i think there may be some issues with smb and windows 11. an earlier version is turned off by default in favor of a new version. that may affect b4a's smb library.
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