This is a custom view designed for B4J for opening files and maintaining a recent files list capable of being serched, filtered and exported to an sqLiteDB or csv
It has three modes:
Compact file only mode:
File and Directory
Recently Used Files Mode
As you can see it provides the data in a searcheable and orderable table.
You can export the table filtered by file type (ext) or all records as both an sqLiteDB and csv
It has a file selected and path selected event that can be enabled or disabled.
It has undo using escape.
It's mostly for opening files rather than creating them, but it can be used for both.
It's still work in progress. I'm using it for a couple of apps, and no doubt when I start using it in anger I will find plenty of flaws. But I think that it could be quite handy.
Best regards
This is a custom view designed for B4J for opening files and maintaining a recent files list capable of being serched, filtered and exported to an sqLiteDB or csv
It has three modes:
Compact file only mode:
File and Directory
Recently Used Files Mode
As you can see it provides the data in a searcheable and orderable table.
You can export the table filtered by file type (ext) or all records as both an sqLiteDB and csv
It has a file selected and path selected event that can be enabled or disabled.
It has undo using escape.
It's mostly for opening files rather than creating them, but it can be used for both.
It's still work in progress. I'm using it for a couple of apps, and no doubt when I start using it in anger I will find plenty of flaws. But I think that it could be quite handy.
Best regards