Having trouble with selection of a file in FilePicker Dialog.
When running the program I can see a window with all the folders in a dialog window.
After selecting a map, I can see the files in the map.
But when trying to select a file nothing happens.
All I can do is use the button Cancel to get out of the dialog window.
How can I retrieve the file that I want to select?
The code I used is :
Dim fp As FilePickerDialog
Dim props As DialogProperties
' SINGLE_MODE specifies that a single File/Directory has to be selected
' from the list of Files/Directories. It is the default Selection Mode.
Dim Const SINGLE_MODE As Int = 0
' MULTI_MODE specifies that multiple Files/Directories has to be selected
' from the list of Files/Directories.
Dim Const MULTI_MODE As Int = 1
' FILE_SELECT specifies that from list of Files/Directories a File has to be selected.
Dim Const FILE_SELECT As Int = 0
' DIR_SELECT specifies that from list of Files/Directories a Directory has to be selected.
'It is the default Selection Type.
Dim Const DIR_SELECT As Int = 1
' FILE_AND_DIR_SELECT specifies that from list of Files/Directories both can be selected.
Dim Const FILE_AND_DIR_SELECT As Int = 2
props.Initialize("",File.DirRootExternal,0,0,Array As String(".txt",".pdf"))
fp.Properties = props
Having trouble with selection of a file in FilePicker Dialog.
When running the program I can see a window with all the folders in a dialog window.
After selecting a map, I can see the files in the map.
But when trying to select a file nothing happens.
All I can do is use the button Cancel to get out of the dialog window.
How can I retrieve the file that I want to select?
The code I used is :
Dim fp As FilePickerDialog
Dim props As DialogProperties
' SINGLE_MODE specifies that a single File/Directory has to be selected
' from the list of Files/Directories. It is the default Selection Mode.
Dim Const SINGLE_MODE As Int = 0
' MULTI_MODE specifies that multiple Files/Directories has to be selected
' from the list of Files/Directories.
Dim Const MULTI_MODE As Int = 1
' FILE_SELECT specifies that from list of Files/Directories a File has to be selected.
Dim Const FILE_SELECT As Int = 0
' DIR_SELECT specifies that from list of Files/Directories a Directory has to be selected.
'It is the default Selection Type.
Dim Const DIR_SELECT As Int = 1
' FILE_AND_DIR_SELECT specifies that from list of Files/Directories both can be selected.
Dim Const FILE_AND_DIR_SELECT As Int = 2
props.Initialize("",File.DirRootExternal,0,0,Array As String(".txt",".pdf"))
fp.Properties = props