Sep 27 2011
With Adroid Level 8 emulator I could use this code
p.Shell("df", Array As String("sdcard"), sb, Null)
to obtain the total, used and free memory on SdCard.
But with Level 9 or higher it (the code) crashes.
I did a adb -e shell df (in DOS) on both a Level 8 and a Level 9 emulator.
I have attached the results of these shell commands for your pursual and you can see that the outputs (the format) are quite different.
Is there any way that I can parse the output of Level 9 higher and get the same information as I can with Level 8?
The information with Level 9 and higher has the current status of the memory on the SdCard but in a different format.
Ray Tesluk :sign0163:
With Adroid Level 8 emulator I could use this code
p.Shell("df", Array As String("sdcard"), sb, Null)
to obtain the total, used and free memory on SdCard.
But with Level 9 or higher it (the code) crashes.
I did a adb -e shell df (in DOS) on both a Level 8 and a Level 9 emulator.
I have attached the results of these shell commands for your pursual and you can see that the outputs (the format) are quite different.
Is there any way that I can parse the output of Level 9 higher and get the same information as I can with Level 8?
The information with Level 9 and higher has the current status of the memory on the SdCard but in a different format.
Ray Tesluk :sign0163: