Android Question Firebase AdMob User Consent for dummies...

Francisco Gonzalez 1962

Licensed User
I'm in the last hurdles (I think) to deploy my app in PlayStore with Firebase Admob ads.
My app is running Ok before adding AdMob
I have an account with Firebase linked with an account with AdMob.
After following
I can see the test ads in my app (Android phone USB connected for tests).

Then I got my Ad unit IDs from AdMob and I inserted them in the place of the test ad Ids.
from this moment onwards I don't see ads in my app but I think it's due to normal lack of popularity of my app.

Then I stumbled in the AdMob User Consent issue, so I paste the code for the Starter Service found here

I compile/run my program and suddenly and quite unexpectedly I'm shown in my android phone the User Consent Form, (I accept the personalized ads).

Now I don't know if I have to add the code for the main activity as I don't have a privacy webpage and I don't want to setup one if I can avoid it.

How I have to modify the Starter Service and the Main Activity so once deployed the app the users are shown the built-in User Consent Form and if they don't accept any kind of ads, the app exits?


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How I have to modify the Starter Service and the Main Activity so once deployed the app the users are shown the built-in User Consent Form and if they don't accept any kind of ads, the app exits?
You can do whatever you like in the ConsentStateAvailable sub.

(I'm not a lawyer but I don't think it is allowed based on GDPR rules)
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