This is a wrapper for Google Mobile Ads v20+ SDK.
It is a modified version of FirebaseAdmob (1).
This library works with Google Mobile Ads v20+. The previous library works with v19-.
Note that you can use FirebaseAdMob2 without creating a Firebase account.
It supports banner ads and interstitial ads.
1. Add to manifest editor:
2. Initialize MobileAds:
3. Banner ad:
4. Interstitial ad:
Libraries developers:
For more advanced features, use FirebaseAdMob2 with AdsHelper:
v2.13 - Internal library in B4A v10.9. Deprecated Google consent SDK was removed as it caused app to be rejected.
v2.12 - Fixed typo in MobileAds.SetConfiguration (it was SetConfigutation by mistake).
It is a modified version of FirebaseAdmob (1).
This library works with Google Mobile Ads v20+. The previous library works with v19-.
Note that you can use FirebaseAdMob2 without creating a Firebase account.
It supports banner ads and interstitial ads.
1. Add to manifest editor:
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.GooglePlayBase)
CreateResourceFromFile (Macro, FirebaseAdMob.FirebaseAds)
AddReplacement($ADMOB_APP_ID$, ca-app-pub-12673333333~67613333333)
2. Initialize MobileAds:
Dim m As MobileAds
Wait For (m.Initialize) MobileAds_Ready
m.SetConfiguration(m.CreateRequestConfigurationBuilder(Array("77A04EE40B2AFED2AFC67701365187EC"))) 'optional. Array with test device ids. See unfiltered logs to find id.
3. Banner ad:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim AdaptiveSize As Map = GetAdaptiveAdSize
'Add Private BannerAd As AdView in Globals sub
BannerAd.Initialize2("BannerAd", "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111",AdaptiveSize.Get("native"))
Activity.AddView(BannerAd, 0, 0, AdaptiveSize.Get("width"), AdaptiveSize.Get("height"))
End Sub
Sub GetAdaptiveAdSize As Map
Dim ctxt As JavaObject
Dim AdSize As JavaObject
Dim width As Int = 100%x / GetDeviceLayoutValues.Scale
Dim Native As JavaObject = AdSize.InitializeStatic("").RunMethod("getCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize", Array(ctxt, width))
Return CreateMap("native": Native, "width": Native.RunMethod("getWidthInPixels", Array(ctxt)), _
"height": Native.RunMethod("getHeightInPixels", Array(ctxt)))
End Sub
Sub Ad_ReceiveAd
Log("Adview received")
End Sub
Sub Ad_FailedToReceiveAd (ErrorCode As String)
Log("Failed: " & ErrorCode)
End Sub
Sub Ad_AdClosed
End Sub
Sub Ad_AdOpened
End Sub
4. Interstitial ad:
'Add Private iAd As InterstitialAd in Globals sub
iad.Initialize("iad", "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712")
Sub iAd_ReceiveAd
Log("IAd received. Now wait for the right moment to show the ad.")
If ad.Ready Then
ad.Show 'bad example. You should instead wait for the correct time and show it when it makes sense.
End If
End Sub
Sub iAd_FailedToReceiveAd (ErrorCode As String)
Log("Failed: " & ErrorCode)
End Sub
Sub iAd_AdClosed
End Sub
Sub iAd_AdOpened
End Sub
Libraries developers:
Source code:
It depends on: C:\Android\extras\b4a_remote\com\google\android\gms\play-services-ads-lite\20.0.0\unpacked-play-services-ads-lite-20.0.0\jars\classes.jar
It depends on: C:\Android\extras\b4a_remote\com\google\android\gms\play-services-ads-lite\20.0.0\unpacked-play-services-ads-lite-20.0.0\jars\classes.jar
For more advanced features, use FirebaseAdMob2 with AdsHelper:
v2.13 - Internal library in B4A v10.9. Deprecated Google consent SDK was removed as it caused app to be rejected.
v2.12 - Fixed typo in MobileAds.SetConfiguration (it was SetConfigutation by mistake).
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