Android Tutorial Firebase Invites/ DynamicLink/ DeepLink [relationship between]

Firebase has several extremely useful free server-based features for developers of mobile apps.
The free "Spark Plan" is suitable for small business applications.​

Firebase gathers almost all backend functionality that you need for your mobile or web app in one place and manages everything for you. You don't need to connect your app with Google Analytics, AdMob, a real-time database, etc. separately, you have all these in one place.​

While B4A libraries already exist for most functions, one important possibility of inter-app communication has been unnoticed so far: Firebase Invites. (Although DonManfred is working on it right now)

When working through the documentation, the multitude of new terms can sometimes be confusing.

In order to recognize the advantages and make it easier to get started, a few definitions are listed here.

Source of image:
The article in this source reflects on "branch" which is a competitor product to Firebase Deep Links. The basic principle is the same as in Firebase.

"Firebase Invites" are an out-of-the-box solution for app referrals and sharing via email Or SMS. It uses "Dynamic Links" to provide the interaction.

"Firebase Dynamic Links" give you a single link that can send users either to your iOS or Android app.

If they have it installed, or to the appropriate listing in the App Store or on Google Play, if they don't.

Even better than that, Dynamic Links will "DeepLink" your users to the content they were looking for, even if they had to install the app in the process. Source
"Deep links" -->

In short, Deep Links let users jump between apps and pages using hyperlinks. Deep Links in apps use a special type of hyperlink called a universal resource identifier (URI).

For example, a user can be in the Facebook app, click a URI link to in-app content in Yelp, And the Yelp app will open up directly from the link.

Deep Links And URIs make it easy For developers To create apps that work together seamlessly.

Deep Links let developers link to static in-app content. Source

--> "Firebase Invites" uses "Dynamic Links", a special Type of "Deep Link"

This is worth taking a look to see most of the Firebase functions in one small app:
"... For all you developers who want to see an app built for a real life scenario, we've created an open sourced narrative app called FriendlyPix. FriendlyPix uses some of the most popular Firebase SDKs, such as Analytics, Cloud Messaging, Cloud Functions, Authentication (with FirebaseUI), Realtime Database, Storage, Remote Config, Invites, and AdMob....". Source

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