The B4A 10.5 beta has coming with this updates:
Updated or new internal libraries: XUI, XUI Views, B4XDrawer, BCTextEngine, OkHttpUtils2, GooglePlayBilling, KeyValueStore and FileProvider.
Any new about update the FirebaseAdmob lib with the new features?
App Open Ad:
Inline Adaptive Banners
Updated or new internal libraries: XUI, XUI Views, B4XDrawer, BCTextEngine, OkHttpUtils2, GooglePlayBilling, KeyValueStore and FileProvider.
Any new about update the FirebaseAdmob lib with the new features?
SDK Migration | Android | Google for Developers
App Open Ad:
admob app opening ads
Hello, This ad type is available on beta now. Probably it will be a popular ad type. is it possible to implement ? Thanks
Inline Adaptive Banners
Inline Adaptive Banners
There are a new banner format in admob: Inline Adaptive Banners: I saw in a admob webnar that this format is better than a native inline. In the steps there are a referente to integrate the...