iOS Question FirebaseNotifications: B4i vs B4A

Martin Larsen

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I am in the final stage of converting my Android app to B4i (using XUI), and so far the process have been easier, quicker and more joyful than I had ever expected or even hoped for. I will write a post on that process soon.

The last stage in the conversion process is Firebase push messages and notifications, and although it actually works now, the differences between B4i and B4A puzzles me.

Background info: the app is for cat owners who can, amongst many other things, subscribe to cats from certain animal shelters based on criteria such as the shelter's location, the age and gender of the cat etc. Every time a new cat is added in the backend, a single push message with the topic new_cat is sent. When the message is received, the app will check if the last cat added matches the user's criteria and show a notification accordingly.

In B4A the push messages are handled by a service. You grab the push message and create the notification yourself:
Sub fm_MessageArrived (Message As RemoteMessage)
    Dim topic As String = Message.From
    Log($"Message arrived, topic: ${topic}, data: ${Message.GetData}"$)
    Wait For(is_this_notification_for_me) Complete (Result As Boolean)
    If Result Then
        Dim n As Notification
        n.Icon = "icon"
        n.SetInfo2(Message.GetData.Get("title"), Message.GetData.Get("body"), "my_tag" & DateTime.Now, Main)
        Log("Not for this user")
    End If
End Sub

In the example above, I use the same topic for all users and in Sub is_this_notification_for_me I check against a REST API if the notification is relevant for that specific user, based on her internal user id. If so, the service will create the notification.

In B4i, the procedure is a bit different. Here there is a notification payload in the JSON, and the topic is prefixed with ios_ as seen in the code from the B4J sending tool:
If Topic.StartsWith("ios_") Then
    Dim iosalert As Map =  CreateMap("title": Title, "body": Body, "sound": "default")
    m.Put("notification", iosalert)
    m.Put("priority", 10)
End If

If the push message arrives while the app is open, the RemoteNotification event will be fired. Here I handle the same code as in B4A:

Private Sub Application_RemoteNotification (Message As Map, CompletionHandler As CompletionHandler)
    Log($"Message arrived: ${Message}"$)
    Wait For(is_this_notification_for_me) Complete (Result As Boolean)
    If Result Then
        ' Do something relevant for this user
        Log("Not for this user")
    End If
End Sub

If the push message arrives while the app is not running, the OS will show the notification automatically with info from the notification payload. When the user clicks on the notification, the app will start and Application_RemoteNotification will be called.

So far, so good. But this is where I am getting a bit confused:

1. Based on my tests, the ios_ prefix doesn't matter. It works fine with the same topic for both Android and IOS. So why is it needed?

2. By accident, I found that if you send the push message with the notification payload to Android, it works just like in IOS: The OS will create the notification for you and the app itself is not even notified. If you click on the notification, the app will start. So apparently, it is possible for B4A to handle Firebase push messages almost like B4i?

3. Although the IOS way is a bit easier with the OS creating the notification for you, there is a problem with it I have not yet solved: How do I decide if the push message is relevant for the given user before launching the app? As shown in the B4A snippet above, the service will check against an API if the message is relevant and only show the notification if so. How do I accomplish the same in B4i where the notification is created automatically?


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1, 2) We are using data messages in B4A. It was implemented like this before the B4i implementation was available and there are only advantages to data messages.

3) The "correct" way to do it is on the server side. Your app will not start when the message is received so you cannot do anything. You can play with silent push notifications however they are significantly less reliable.
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Martin Larsen

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and there are only advantages to data messages.

I agree. They are much more flexible.
The "correct" way to do it is on the server side.

I am glad you write "correct" in quotes! Imagine an app with 1 mill. users. In the worst case scenario, you would have to send 1 mill. push messages out instead of just one.

In this specific case there is a limited number of search combinations, so a workaround would be to subscribe to topics based on the criteria, such as young_male_indoor_copenhagen. The server could then build the topic from the new cat added and send it out only to those who actually subscribe to that criteria.

Is data messages not available in B4i?
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