Flies past breakpoint


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I have a medium-ish sized application, about 2000 lines of code in the Main module. This application also makes use of HTTPUtils2, InAppBilling, and the AdMob stuff. I am using B4A version 2.02.

If I set a breakpoint in Activity_Create, the app does not stop at the breakpoint during execution. If I set a breakpoint in some other some sub further in the program, it stops at that breakpoint.

As a test I created a very small program and set a breakpoint in Activity_Create and it did stop at the breakpoint – so breakpoints work.

This probably means I have an error somewhere in my medium-sized program. Although, it seems to run pretty well.

Before I try to find the error, is there anything that is known to cause this type of symptom? Can anyone offer any hints about what I should be looking for?



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Oops yes. Sorry you are right klaus.
The case when they dont work is if you start a service or something at the same time.

Is that true? If a service is being started it won't break?

This could very well be why it is passing the breakpoints. Two services would be starting during this time.

** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
*** begin activity create ***
*** LayVal = 800 x 480, scale = 1.5 (240 dpi)
*** should be breaking here ***
Alter table error.
*** end activity create ***
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Service (inappbillingservice) Create **
** Service (inappbillingservice) Start **
BillingSupported: true
** Service (httputils2service) Create **
** Service (httputils2service) Start **
** Service (httputils2service) Destroy **
** Service (inappbillingservice) Destroy **
** Activity (main) Resume **

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Debugging apps with services

Ok, so I read all the above, and I get it... but, then it seems (and it is why I am here) that if we follow the advice provided here, and put most of our real code into a service, such that the Main Activity.Create launches that service... then effectively, we have designed ourselves out of the ability to use breakpoints... Is that correct? I am currently chasing down some bugs, and not having breakpoints is making it a real PITA... redesigning my entire app would be no fun either. How is anyone else working around this? Open to any ideas and suggestions... Thanx!!

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