Android Code Snippet Generic Code Snippet Manager

Hi again.

I have added a Code Snippet Manager to B4x Object Browser (OB). You can get this by following the link in my signature below, however I have been asked to build something a little more generic.

In line with my own expectations, this isn't something that I can just "slap together" - it needs to work.
And by "work", I mean the GUI must be easy to use and require little or no explanation.

This is why I cannot have something up and running quickly.

What I can tell you is that it will still be a WinForms application, it will be written in .NET 3.5 (because even XP has version 3.5), and it will have some kind of indexing to allow searching. At this stage it will probably use SQLCE. It will also be multi-lingual just like the OB so that 'everyone' can use it easily. At this stage the OB has 30 languages (including English).

So, if you can hold on a bit longer (face it, it's been years already ;)), then I am certain that I can build something that we can all enjoy using.

As always, I do accept feature requests. Whether I can accommodate them or not is another matter ;)

I will put up screenshots when I have the GUI design stable.

Thanks for your patience.

PS - if you feel you would like to contribute, you can do so from the B4x Object Browser Options screen, however this is completely optional.


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Oh, and I will try to keep to the preferred format as described elsewhere in this Forum.


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Hi Vader,

Will clipboard management be included?


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I know it doesn't look like much, but here is what I have now got:


This has already got support for multiple languages, and I will be starting on the full features in the coming days.


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Some suggestions for metadata:

* Have a field for a URL for each snippet. If it's not code written by the user (and, most likely it wont be, as it's otherwise in a program somewhere anyway), it's good to remember where one got it.

* A title/name. Easier to browse/search for it that way.

* Description. Description is always good.

* Date. Date is always good.

* Usage. Free to use or some kind of restrictions apply.

* Comments. Some place for the user to enter stuff like "There is some kind of bug in this, the calculation always comes out 1 too large..." and "Fixed the bug, removed a +1!" or "Can't be run in a service". This is a good thing for things that needs to be remembered. Comments, of course, also has a date.


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Interesting. I did consider asking for each of the fields like what is displayed in the OB. Is that kind of display what people are after?


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Ok, so who would like to have a wizard interface for each snippet?
Something like:
1- Welcome to the Add a snippet wizard
(x) Click here if you don't want to see this page again
2- Title, Description
3- URL, Date, Usage
4- Comments
5- Snippet text
Optionally, it could show the data as per the OB:

Maybe the wizard interface can be optional?


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I would prefer it if the wizard was optional. After you've gone through it a couple of times, it's just annoying and in the way.


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I choose "A". Having the wizard but make it optional for when it isn't needed any longer. ;)
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a) yes to the wizard, but optional -OR-
b) no to the wizard

Ok, so you answered a?
I would go with 'A' too... or even make a suggestion... instead of a wizard, an "About snippet" info panel would be a nice trade off


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It looks nice so far but I was thinking... (I know I should not do that) And this is an idea for the whole b4x community.
What about a public repository of snippits?

Basically (pun intended)
When a snippit gets enough votes on the forum it is moved to the public repository that we all share? Again, just an idea.


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It looks nice so far but I was thinking... (I know I should not do that) And this is an idea for the whole b4x community.
What about a public repository of snippits?

Basically (pun intended)
When a snippit gets enough votes on the forum it is moved to the public repository that we all share? Again, just an idea.
If I have correctly understood... the snippet manager will allow user entry and replication to all other Snippet Manager installs...
This way snippet correction as well as "adapted" snippets will be automatically updated. But I do agree that some kind of filtering is needed to prevent too many snippets targeting the same subject as well as "rubish" snippets... Some kind of user votes would be nice to have too


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Not really. You have your own snippits and then there is a DB in the cloud with the public snippits.
Public snippits come from the forum by votes but you still have your private ones you do not share.


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any new news on this?


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Not really. You have your own snippits and then there is a DB in the cloud with the public snippits.
Public snippits come from the forum by votes but you still have your private ones you do not share.

This is exactly what I originally intended to add to B4A browser, but I had some implementation issues. Consequently, it was removed. See Post 83 at this link:

The other challenge is paying for the server to host the snippets. My host could do it for a while, but I think I will use my bandwidth pretty quickly. Maybe it would be best as a paid-for feature?


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Apologies to everyone - I have been in hospital for the last 2 days, and I'm still not better. I'm still here and it hasn't been forgotten.