i found a code to read the path of an selected image here.
But in my case i need to get the path of an VIDEO instead of an image.
How must the code looks like to get the path from a selected video?
Sub GetPathFromContentResult(UriString As String) As String
If UriString.StartsWith("/") Then Return UriString 'If the user used a file manager to choose the image
Dim Cursor1 As Cursor
Dim Uri1 As Uri
Dim Proj() As String = Array As String("_data")
Dim cr As ContentResolver
If UriString.StartsWith("content://com.android.providers.media.documents") Then
Dim i As Int = UriString.IndexOf("%3A")
Dim id As String = UriString.SubString(i + 3)
Cursor1 = cr.Query(Uri1, Proj, "_id = ?", Array As String(id), "")
Cursor1 = cr.Query(Uri1, Proj, "", Null, "")
End If
Cursor1.Position = 0
Dim res As String
res = Cursor1.GetString("_data")
Return res
End Sub
But in my case i need to get the path of an VIDEO instead of an image.
How must the code looks like to get the path from a selected video?