Android Example Getting file info using uri from content chooser or from received shared file - example

example of getting file property information from uri provided by content chooser or received file shared to the app. Curtesy of Erel’s example: Received Share. Shows File name, Mime Type, date modified, file size and a list of all columns from that particular content provider. updated code to show information from Gallery content.


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example of getting file property information from uri provided by content chooser or received file shared to the app. Curtesy of Erel’s example: Received Share. Shows File name, Mime Type, date modified, file size and a list of all columns from that particular content provider. updated code to show information from Gallery content.
I had a problem running this example on my phone:

When the program automatically opens the default folder, All selected files information are displayed correctly. But when I change the folder and select the file, the program flashes back,There is no prompt information available,Without any log information, either.I don't know where the problem is.


Thank you,Erel.
It works well in Release mode,but not normal in debug mode in my phone.The TextEditor example is also.
I don t know where the problem is,It always flash back in debug mode without any error message.