I have been struggling to get Bluetooth to work between my Android Asus ME173X device as it doesn't seem to allow inbound connections for some security reason , have been so far unable to work round this and my PC and so now I have purchased some dedicated BLuetooth Serial port devices , the ones I intend to use on my embedded system to replace the windows PC and serial connection , I have tried some of the B4A Bluetooth examples but they don't work as soon as I send data from the Brain-box device the link brakes , it doesn't work in the other direction but the link appears to stay on , It is perhaps because think the brain box device is not using ASync data streams , could some one please give some basic pointers as to how I can establish a simple SPP chat between my android device and the Brain-box BL819 device.
thanks , also how is it possible to send a known PIN at connection establishment , without having to ask the android user for a pin number to establish the link with the Brain box device which defaults to a pin of 1234 . thanks Dara
I have been struggling to get Bluetooth to work between my Android Asus ME173X device as it doesn't seem to allow inbound connections for some security reason , have been so far unable to work round this and my PC and so now I have purchased some dedicated BLuetooth Serial port devices , the ones I intend to use on my embedded system to replace the windows PC and serial connection , I have tried some of the B4A Bluetooth examples but they don't work as soon as I send data from the Brain-box device the link brakes , it doesn't work in the other direction but the link appears to stay on , It is perhaps because think the brain box device is not using ASync data streams , could some one please give some basic pointers as to how I can establish a simple SPP chat between my android device and the Brain-box BL819 device.
thanks , also how is it possible to send a known PIN at connection establishment , without having to ask the android user for a pin number to establish the link with the Brain box device which defaults to a pin of 1234 . thanks Dara