Android Question Google Map without Internet (offline)


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hello there to everybody.

I found this

And it is working nice, I downloaded manually the MAP, and turn off my internet, and I can use the Map in my APP. Google map now will not ask me to turn on the Internet. And I can zoom in/out and surf my city very fast and offline. :D soooooooooo nice :eek:

The questions :

- How my APP can programmatically indicate to end user download the map. to work it offline later.?

- How my APP can detect the map was downloaded time ago, and that mean the APP will not ask to end user turn on the WIFI etc. to show the map.?

I would like to do:
if the map downloaded then
show using offline pre-downloaded map. and leave the internet turned off.
msgbox ("please turn on wifi","")
show using online google map
end if

Thanks for the help.


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Thanks Erel, good to know that, I noticed, I can only put in cache, with the normal use of my APP, when the user go to offline , he can see the map again without problem if are the same area (cache) checked before, that will be enough.
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