Android Question GoogleMaps


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Hi to everybody
I would like to display the map having the gps movement direction always pointing to the top of the screen, like navigation apps do. I guess that it is necessary to rotate the map (or the camera,for me not very clear at the moment).
Thanks in advance


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1. Use B4XPages.
2. Call this sub once when the program starts:
Private Sub SetMapBearing
    Do While True
        If gmap.IsInitialized And gmap.MyLocationEnabled And gmap.MyLocation.IsInitialized Then
            Dim loc As Location = gmap.As(JavaObject).RunMethod("getMyLocation", Null)
            If loc.IsInitialized And loc.BearingValid And loc.Speed > 0.1 Then
                Dim cp As CameraPosition = gmap.CameraPosition
                cp.Initialize2(cp.Target.Latitude, cp.Target.Longitude, cp.Zoom, loc.Bearing, cp.Tilt)
            End If
        End If
End Sub
3. Add a reference to the GPS library (for the Location object).
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Great. I alreay saw that it is working. By the way it works also in an "old style" program, that is a program not using B4XPages (Main+Starter service). Don't know whether it has some influence.
Thanks a lot for now.
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not having yet enough skills to manage B4XPages (because I use B4A with years intervals and changes in it gave me learning problems), I adapted an old fashion program, as I said. Then I was surprised that I obtained the same result, that is to get the googlemaps map oriented according to the "bearing", with the attached prgram, base on an old Gps program. I am absolutely not a guru, so take my code just as an obsolete hint. As you can see, besides probable errors and misunderstandings, it works.
I post the project for any use or eventual further discussion and improvements.
The mechanism is the following:
In the Starter service, the GPS is initialized. Then, when location changes, the LocationChanged function is called, which calls the following :
Sub GotoPosition(loc As Location)
    If gmap.IsInitialized Then
        Dim CameraPosition1 As CameraPosition = gmap.CameraPosition
        CameraPosition1.Initialize2(loc.Latitude, loc.Longitude, CameraPosition1.Zoom, loc.Bearing, CameraPosition1.Tilt)
    End If
End Sub
By the way I also Start/Stop drawing the trajectory.


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Also, I give a small contribute to this very useful community, with the following code calculating the distance between two points. Perhaps such function exists in some library. I didn't find it, so I did it. It seems to work, in my tests.
private Sub GeoDist(A As Location,B As Location) As Double
    Dim EarthRadius As Double, PiGrec As Double, X As Double, Y As Double, dLon As Double
    Dim Lat1,Lat2 As Double
    Dim v1,v2 As Double
    EarthRadius= 6372.8  ' Km
    PiGrec = 3.1415926535
    Lat1 = A.Latitude * PiGrec / 180
    Lat2 = B.Latitude * PiGrec / 180
    dLon = (B.Longitude - A.Longitude) * PiGrec / 180
    X = Sin(Lat1) * Sin(Lat2) + Cos(Lat1) * Cos(Lat2) * Cos(dLon)
    v1=Cos(Lat2) * Sin(dLon)
    v2=Cos(Lat1) * Sin(Lat2) - Sin(Lat1) * Cos(Lat2) * Cos(dLon)
    Y = Sqrt( v1 * v1 +  v2 * v2)
    Return ATan2(Y, X) * EarthRadius*1000 ' meters
End Sub
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Johan Hormaza

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Also, I give a small contribute to this very useful community, with the following code calculating the distance between two points. Perhaps such function exists in some library. I didn't find it, so I did it. It seems to work, in my tests.
private Sub GeoDist(A As Location,B As Location) As Double
    Dim EarthRadius As Double, PiGrec As Double, X As Double, Y As Double, dLon As Double
    Dim Lat1,Lat2 As Double
    Dim v1,v2 As Double
    EarthRadius= 6372.8  ' Km
    PiGrec = 3.1415926535
    Lat1 = A.Latitude * PiGrec / 180
    Lat2 = B.Latitude * PiGrec / 180
    dLon = (B.Longitude - A.Longitude) * PiGrec / 180
    X = Sin(Lat1) * Sin(Lat2) + Cos(Lat1) * Cos(Lat2) * Cos(dLon)
    v1=Cos(Lat2) * Sin(dLon)
    v2=Cos(Lat1) * Sin(Lat2) - Sin(Lat1) * Cos(Lat2) * Cos(dLon)
    Y = Sqrt( v1 * v1 +  v2 * v2)
    Return ATan2(Y, X) * EarthRadius*1000 ' meters
End Sub
                Dim l1, l2 As Location
                l2.Initialize2(RootMap.Get("LatitudB"), RootMap.Get("LongitudB"))
                'ahora necesitamos la distancia entre nuestra ubicación y la ubicación de destino
                Dim DistanceTo As Long
                DistanceTo = l1.DistanceTo(l2)  'the result is in meter
                Log("Redondeo: " & Round(DistanceTo/1000) & "KM")
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