I am using in-app purchases in my app.
I noticed the current GooglePlayBilling library is version 5.00 (v5.00 - Based on Google Play Billing v5.0.0)
I got the following email last night, and wondering if the GooglePlayBilling library is going to be updated to version 6.0.1 or is version 5.0.0 is going to be OK to use ?
Email from Google:
I am using in-app purchases in my app.
I noticed the current GooglePlayBilling library is version 5.00 (v5.00 - Based on Google Play Billing v5.0.0)
GooglePlayBilling - In App Purchases
The previous service which was used by InAppBilling3 library is being deprecated and will soon won't be available. GooglePlayBilling is based on the new in app purchases service: https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_library_overview Usage instructions: 1. Add to the...

I got the following email last night, and wondering if the GooglePlayBilling library is going to be updated to version 6.0.1 or is version 5.0.0 is going to be OK to use ?
Email from Google:
We are sending you this reminder as one or more of your apps is still using Play Billing Library (PBL) version 4. By November 1, 2023 version 4 will be deprecated and any updates to existing apps will first require you to migrate to PBL version 5 or newer.
Important notes: If your app is targeting Android 14 or higher, you must update to PBL 5.2.1 or PBL 6.0.1 or higher.
In May we launched Play Billing Library 6.0 with updates to subscription features, in-app purchase logging, and new API insights. We highly recommend upgrading directly to version 6.0 to future-proof your integration for the next two years and take advantage of the latest tools and features our commerce platform has to offer.
As a reminder, we support each major Play Billing Library release for two years in order to ensure that you and your users get the full benefit of foundational improvements to privacy, security, and user experience.