Android Question Help to create code to use Inline Adaptive Banners: setAdSize


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This is a banner format could be placed in scrolling content:

I tried to create the code base in this Erel's code (Adaptive Banner):
Sub GetInlineAdaptiveAdSize As Map
    Dim ctxt As JavaObject
    Dim AdSize As JavaObject
    Dim width As Int = 100%x / GetDeviceLayoutValues.Scale
    Dim Native As JavaObject = AdSize.InitializeStatic("").RunMethod("getCurrentOrientationInlineAdaptiveBannerAdSize", Array(ctxt, width))
    Return CreateMap("native": Native, "width": Native.RunMethod("getWidthInPixels", Array(ctxt)), _
        "height": Native.RunMethod("getHeightInPixels", Array(ctxt)))
End Sub
But I can't see this method "setAdsize" in Adview to set the height to the banner:
Alternatively, for an existing AdView, set the ad size using AdView.setAdSize(AdSize adSize).
Or, maybe, I couldn't figure out how to use it.

Any help to solved this issue are welcome.
Thanks in advance.