B4A Library HMS - Huawei SDK

Huawei is the number one manufacturer of phones (https://www.statista.com/statistics...by-smartphone-vendors-since-4th-quarter-2009/). Due to USA restrictions, the new phones that they sell do not include Google Play, Google Play Services and other Google components.
They have created their own ecosystem and as developers we shouldn't ignore this ecosystem. There might be opportunities here.

Currently this library supports analytics, push notifications, DRM check, ads and in app purchases.
I want to thank @Ferdari and other developers who already built wrappers for some of HMS features. Their work did help me while building this library.

The implementation is built in such way that it will not add the HMS SDK unless the build configuration includes the HMS conditional symbol (Ctrl + B):



  1. Register as a Huawei developer: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/
  2. Download the attached zip and www.b4x.com/android/files/hms_sdk.zip. Unzip them and copy all files to the additional libraries folder.
  3. Open the AppGallery Connect page and create a new project.
  4. Find the Manage APIs page and make sure that Analytics Kit and Push Kit (if needed) are enabled.


  5. Go to the General Information tab. Set the SHA-256 fingerprint. You can find it in the IDE under Tools - Private Sign Key:

  6. Download agconnect-services.json and put it in the project folder (where the b4a file is located).
  7. Add the HMS symbol to the build configuration (Ctrl + B) and make sure that the package name matches the project package name defined in AppGallery Connect.
  8. Add to main module:

    #Region HMS Libs+
    #if HMS
    #additionaljar: hms-push-
    #additionaljar: hms-agconnect-core-
    #additionaljar: hms-agconnect-credential-
    #additionaljar: hms-agconnect-https-
    #additionaljar: hms-availableupdate-
    #additionaljar: hms-base-
    #additionaljar: hms-datastore-core-
    #additionaljar: hms-device-
    #additionaljar: hms-hianalytics-
    #additionaljar: hms-Log-
    #additionaljar: hms-network-common-
    #additionaljar: hms-network-grs-
    #additionaljar: hms-opendevice-
    #additionaljar: hms-security-encrypt-
    #additionaljar: hms-security-ssl-
    #additionaljar: hms-security-base-
    #additionaljar: hms-stats-
    #additionaljar: hms-tasks-
    #additionaljar: hms-ui-
    #additionaljar: hms-update-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-hianalytics-core-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-hianalytics-framework-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-greendao-3.3.0.jar
    #AdditionalJar: hms-greendao-api-3.3.0.jar
    #AdditionalJar: hms-datastore-annotation-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-drm-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-apptouch-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ads-banner-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ads-base-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ads-interstitial-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ads-lang-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ads-lite-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ads-native-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ads-reward-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ads-splash-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ads-template-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-iap-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-scan-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-dynamic-api-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ml-computer-agc-inner-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ml-computer-camera-inner-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ml-computer-commonutils-inner-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ml-computer-ha-inner-
    #AdditionalJar: hms-ml-computer-sdkbase-inner-
    #CustomBuildAction: folders ready, %WINDIR%\system32\cmd.exe, /c copy ..\agconnect-services.json bin\extra\assets\
    #End If
    #End Region
  9. Add to manifest editor:
    #if HMS
    CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, hms.hms)
    CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, hms.hms_push)
    CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, hms.hms_drm)
    CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, hms.hms_ads)
    SetApplicationAttribute(android:usesCleartextTraffic, "true")
    #end if
  10. Add to B4XMainPage (or the Activity for non-B4XPages projects):
    Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Private hms As HMSManager
    End Sub
    Public Sub Initialize
    End Sub
    Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    End Sub
  11. Make sure that Huawei AppGallery app is installed on the target device.
  12. Run the project in debug mode. It will show analytics related logs. Move the app to the background and to the foreground a few times. You should see a message similar to:
    10-30 11:05:02.794 20298 21440 I HiAnalyticsSDK: SendTask=> events PostRequest sendevent TYPE : oper, TAG : _openness_config_tag, resultCode: 200 ,reqID:7d328467a831341dcfb442174a5c8208
  13. You should also see the traffic in:


Tips & Notes

  • The analytics logs are only redirected in debug mode.
  • In debug mode you might see an "application not responding" message from time to time. It is related to these logs. It doesn't happen in release mode.

Push notifications: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/hms-huwaei-push-kit.124100/#content


Update both the attached HMS.zip and www.b4x.com/android/files/hms_sdk.zip
  • V1.07 - New HMS_NewToken event that is raised in the Starter service when a new push token is available:
    Private Sub HMS_NewToken(Token As String)
    Log("New_Token: " & Token)
    End Sub
  • V1.05 - HMS.ScanBitmap - scans a bitmap for known barcode types.
  • V1.04 - Support for barcode scanning: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/hms-barcode-qr-scan.133334/
    Make sure to update the dependencies list, hms_sdk and hms.zip.
  • V1.03 - Support for in app purchases. The dependencies list was updated. See this tutorial:
  • V1.02 - Support for banner and interstitial ads. The dependencies and manifest editor snippets were updated.
  • V1.01 - Missing CheckDRM method added.
  • V1.00 - Support for DRM (verification of paid apps): https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/hms-huawei-drm-verification.124725/


  • hms.zip
    8.4 KB · Views: 184
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Well-Known Member
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Is this a requirement needed to upload apk?

Also im confused with number 10? What do i add in activity?
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B4X founder
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Is this a requirement needed to upload apk?
No. You can upload APKs to Huawei app gallery without it.

Also im confused with number 10? What do i add in activity?
You need to add an initialize an HmsManager object. Better to do it in the starter service in non-B4XPages projects.


Active Member
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Thanks, with all test going, I have put it, take it, put it take it son many times.
I´ve seen now there is a background service (HMSMessagingService). I have seen in within the b4xlib file, and also when we send a data payload only message from HW Console I see the service start. But how do we access that service?. I know it is there because to check it out I tried to create a service with the same name but (correctly) it complains that the service already exists


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Thanks, whats the point on this code under HMMSMessagingService.bas?

#if Java
import com.huawei.hms.push.*;
 public void onNewToken(String paramString) {
     BA.Log("onNewToken: " + paramString);
  public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage message) {
     BA.Log("onMessageReceived: " + message);
#end if


Active Member
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I have followed the tutorial and am getting a "client api invalid" error.
--------- beginning of main
11-20 11:29:05.351 14266 14266 I HMSSDK_AutoInit: Push init start
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit: Push init failed
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit: com.huawei.hms.common.ApiException: 907135003: client api invalid
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.opendevice.a.a(ErrorEnum.java:272)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.opendevice.k.doExecute(GetTokenTask.java:58)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.opendevice.k.doExecute(GetTokenTask.java:34)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.TaskApiCall.onResponse(TaskApiCall.java:190)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.HuaweiApiManager$ConnectionManager.innerConnectionFailed(HuaweiApiManager.java:327)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.HuaweiApiManager$ConnectionManager.onConnectionFailed(HuaweiApiManager.java:341)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.BaseHmsClient.notifyFailed(BaseHmsClient.java:415)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.BaseHmsClient.resolution(BaseHmsClient.java:389)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.BaseHmsClient.checkAvailabilityAndConnect(BaseHmsClient.java:367)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.BaseHmsClient.connect(BaseHmsClient.java:427)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.HuaweiApiManager$ConnectionManager.connect(HuaweiApiManager.java:307)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.HuaweiApiManager$ConnectionManager.sendRequest(HuaweiApiManager.java:227)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.HuaweiApiManager.connectAndSendRequest(HuaweiApiManager.java:146)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at com.huawei.hms.common.internal.HuaweiApiManager.handleMessage(HuaweiApiManager.java:131)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
11-20 11:29:08.113 14266 14302 E HMSSDK_AutoInit:     at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65)
11-20 11:29:09.654 14266 14266 I HiAnalyticsSDK:
11-20 11:29:09.654 14266 14266 I HiAnalyticsSDK: =======================================
11-20 11:29:09.654 14266 14266 I HiAnalyticsSDK:  HiAnalyticsSDK_5.0.4.300
11-20 11:29:09.654 14266 14266 I HiAnalyticsSDK: =======================================
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = false **
** Service (starter) Destroy (ignored)**


B4X founder
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V1.02 - Support for banner and interstitial ads. The dependencies and manifest editor snippets were updated.


Licensed User
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Excellent library.
I agree - Huawei is too large a user base to ignore.
One quick question (for now) - why is ClearTextTraffic required?


B4X founder
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V1.03 - Support for in app purchases.

New dependency:
#AdditionalJar: hms-iap-


Active Member
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Currently this library supports analytics, push notifications, DRM check, ads and in app purchases.
I want to thank @Ferdari and other developers who already built wrappers for some of HMS features. Their work did help me while building this library.
I Thank you for simplifying the integration and the other Huawei services, certainly i will use your library as mine is incomplete.