Android Question How can i enlarge this dialogue to show all the text


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Sub btnEnterDetails_Click
    Dim dialog As CustomLayoutDialog
    Dim sf As Object = dialog.ShowAsync("", "Yes", "Cancel", "No", Null, False)
    dialog.SetSize(100%x, 300dip)
    Wait For (sf) Dialog_Ready (DialogPanel As Panel)
    lblText.Text = "This Option will be Activated Upon Subscription.Subscription /= only Per term(Covering all the children you have at KJS) . However you can freely countinue to communicate to school  using the communication book option on the app."
    Dim disable() As Boolean = Array As Boolean(False)
    AutoClose(dialog, lblSeconds, disable)
    Wait For (sf) Dialog_Result (Result As Int)
    disable(0) = True 'disable the AutoClose timer
    If Result = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
        Dim cs As CSBuilder
        ToastMessageShow(cs.Initialize.Size(30).Color(Colors.Red).Append("Yes!!!").PopAll, True)
    End If
End Sub
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