Games How does the x2 Object Type work in Tiled?


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I don't understand how to use the x2 object type. I've created a new map (using a "roads" tileset that I have) & imported the x2 Object Type, but I can't figure out how to associate it with the map. When I look at the map that came with the example (map1.json) it shows an object layer (ObjectLayer1) with a sub-layer (x2) - but I can't seem to get that in my map.

- Colin.


B4X founder
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It takes some time to get used to Tiled editor. Overall it is quite simple to use.
1. Add an object layer:


2. Add objects and change their type to x2.
If everything is configured properly then you should now see the list of custom properties.


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Thanks Erel - so every object on the map must be x2?

- Colin.