How many tabs could see in Tabhost?


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Hi all,
If I add tabs more 5 tabs,I will see only 3-4 tabs.I can not see all of them in Tabhost. Is there way to solution this question?
P.S. I must add more 30 tabs
Best Regards
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B4X founder
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Can you post a screenshot?

This is what I see:
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Well-Known Member
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I need the scroll bar for tab shown

Hi Erel and All,
I 'm not good at English and programming. I tried to draw the pictures,what I need my widget be?
Please give me 1 example.
Best Regards
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As explained in another thread i'm convinced that TabHost is not the right way to do it because you will have a lot of Panels at the same time in memory. You could do it with only one Panel and filling the different views according to the selected plant.

But if you really want to use lots of panels you could have a look at corwin42s' AHViewerPage library.

Best regards.
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