Android Tutorial How they do... #2


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The goal in submitting these is not to be a snob, troll or a pest.

No one can blame you for doing exactly what I asked for.
I took into account all of your suggestions, and I thank you for that. I'm a former student in linguistics, so I'm very interested by your explanations.
That being said, I have a doubt about one of your suggestion:

Old sentence in Tutorial #3: It remains the case of extensions.
CORRECTED sentence: What remains is the possibility of extensions.

It seems that in English "possibility" has exactly the same meaning as in french (possibilité). And "case" is not a synonym. So why did you change the word ?

"case" in my sentence means:
"5. A question or problem; a matter: It is simply a case of honor."
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The Artist/Album extension handler...

I have a doubt about one of your suggestion:

You are right. You are introducing a IF-THEN-ELSE handler for extensions in the Artist/Album list. The phrase "case of extensions" is the right word to describe that section of code. Why did I substitute the phrase "possibility of extensions"? Because I mistakenly saw the If-THEN-ELSE as performing one of two possible tasks: extension or retraction of the Artist's Album list.


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Is it possible to get TabBar to show up in "Add View" in the designer?



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Are you talking of the TabBar library (it's not the right thread in this case) or the hsvTabBar used in the tutorial ? hsvTabBar is an HorizontalScrollView.

Ah, I have confused the two. I will have to go through the tutorial more carefully. It would be nice to be able to use the tabbar in the designer though, but the look and effect you are getting with he hvsTabBar is what I am after. It looks very slick and would be perfect for an application I am working on.

I will look at this

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I have it looking the way I want by closely following your tutorial. Problem is the events are not firing.

I'm doing this for each button:

btns(0) = bar.AddButton(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "plus.png"), "", 2, 1, "Add_Click", "")

before I added the event subs in main, the log was saying something like 'raiseevent: null'
After I put in the event subs the 'null' messages stopped, so something is happening. I try to show a messagebox on click and nothing happening in any of the events

What could cause this?

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I figured it out. When I initialized the ActionBar, I set the module to 'null' for some reason. Setting it to 'Me' fixed it. Thanks.

Adilson Jacinto

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Hi there,

could you send the library for this? That is exactly what I am looking for

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