How to be like Erel

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Erel programs in C#

B4a and B4j are written in C# using the dot net framework.

Erel rises at 6am each morning when his computer wakes him, his computer is never switched off.

Presented with the day's tasks Erel sometimes remembers to get dressed while thinking in objects.

Please keep in mind Erel's state of dress when he may be replying to your posts.

Sometimes the 'trousers have a' leg and shoes 'have a' lace can be mixed up depending on the state of the coffee machine object.

Usually the 'forum has a' pending request object is only allowed to fire after the first 'Erel has a' coffee object has closed and been removed by the garbage collection facility of the dot net framework.

Erel must contest with the 'girlfriend want's breakfast' object and the 'oh are you only going to be programming again today' girlfriend object request before he can actually get into any serious programming.

DRRRRING! the alarm that causes Erel to commence B4a programming is sounded and Erel dutifully sits down in front of his 60inch wallscreen monitor while monitors 2 through 9 keep him apprised of lesser duties such as moronic newbie forum questions and posts from IanMc.

Luckily Erel can choose to ignore these.

Erel's robot Sherrel can field moronic forum questions, make coffee, answer IanMc posts, draw the curtains and advise Erel of his next scheduled appointments, Sherrel is becoming more and more like Erel each day.

Sherrel was written in B4a currently in Beta version 3.8.

Erel's girlfriend Zuzanne hates Sherrel.

Later in the day after about 2.6 gigabytes of programming Erel will lunch then call his girlfriend to arrange an evening meal.


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So! T'sis easy!

To be like Erel, you just need to get up at 6am each day, have a burning passionate desire for programming, find a niche, fulfill it, have a girlfriend called Zuzanna and a robot called Sherrel.



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STo be like Erel, you just need to get up at 6am each day, have a burning passionate desire for programming, find a niche, fulfill it, have a girlfriend called Zuzanna and a robot called Sherrel.

I think you are wrong... Zuzanna is not his girlfriend... It´s the woman who OWN the PC Erel is running on and Sherrel is just a task controller on that PC... If erel is not responding a new erel thread will be started.

Erel loves to communicate with him (inter-app-communication for sure) and he is talking more to him than to suzanna. That´s the problem... :D


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Hey while your theory is sound I can't imagine Erel not having a girlfriend called Zuzanna who may or may not be human. .. or a PC..

but probably human

she 'grounds' him

(like electricity needs to ground)

and I can't believe Erel is no more than a thread!

surely at least an object?

e erel = new erel();



we may never know but in the interest of object oriented programming, we don't need to know :) it's 'encapsulated'


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I stand by this statement

'whomever starts to write Erel's biography now stands to make a fortune in the future'

Erel is simply amazing.

We should call him Mini-Microsoft :D


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It's E.R.E.L. (pron like D.A.R.Y.L.)

Energetic Robotic Entrprise Lifeform ;)


Although I'm sure that others can come up with a better meaning for the acronym!! It's been a long day!! SSIS malarky and all that!


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That's pretty good, I like the way you got the word 'Enterprise' in there :) very star trekky.


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Erel is the Best and unbeatable. You can't become like Erel became. You could only be a some clone. Or you wouldn't have asked the question and would have created B4 PPC, B4 Android, B4 Java and soon the B4 C64 (;))


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You're right : each time I launch my B4A's IDE, I start from the white page that was already there yesterday ;)
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