B4R Question How to connect ESP8266 to arduino


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What do you want to connect them for? Which Arduino board?

You can use SoftwareSerial to connect two boards. However the ESP8266 is a 3.3v and most Arduinos are 5v. So you will need to use a level shifter.
I want to connect ESP8266 to Arduino UNO as a ethernet shield
Arduino UNO has 3.3v pin
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But how can I use this as ethernet shield and send udp pocket to arduino for controll the relay
The idea is to use the ESP instead of the Arduino. The ESP can control the relay by itself. If you want to connect ESP and Arduino you can do it by wires, using SoftwareSerial.
If the devices are separated and you need network - there are several examples how to connect two devices, like in this https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/esp8266-wifi-remote-configuration.68596/
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I read in internet we can controll relay with esp8266 without any microcontroller

Can we controll a relay with GPIO0 and GPIO2 pins?


in this link you can see , but how can I program in b4r?


Can I programm with FTDI?



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