How to get the button control of a Panel


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I have a panel with around 15 buttons assigned to it as parent. How can I get the button control to access its properties like visible etc.
Through the direct member of button I can do that. But I want like using iterator. I tired like

For nPanelViewCount = SchematicPanel.NumberOfViews -1 To 0 Step -1
SchematicPanel.GetView(nPanelViewCount).Visible = False

But Button controls are not returns as Views of panel.

How Can I achieve this?



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I have one image view also in that panel. I am able to retrieve that. But buttons are missing from panel view count list. Buttons are added in the designer window with bitmap background. Any idea what I am missing here?

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Now its working. The reason for not to work is after adding the panel and its child button views, again I was initialising panel and adding it to the activity and Initialising it via the Initialize() method in the Activity_Create() method.

Just wanted to know how it prevents the panel from retrieving its button views?
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omar madraba

New Member
I just have maybe the same problem,
I would like to get 3 panels in my application,
and those had views inside like buttons.

my question is where should I put or write the code that I want to affect to those button for example.


Omar Madraba
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Longtime User
Where and how do you define your panels ?
In the Designer you can use Generate Members

... where should I put or write the code that I want to affect to those button for example.
In the module where you have the panels.

I'd suggest you to read the Beginner's Guide .

Best regards.
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