I try out a lot of the things posted in the forum, which over time means that the Additional Libraries folder gets more and more cluttered. This bothers me for several reasons:
So I'm wondering how the people in the forum handle this? Do you just happily throw everything into the folder and don't worry about it? Or do you have some sort of system to keep things in order?
- The naming of files are not always consistent so it's difficult to know which ones go together in a single "pack"
- The naming of the files don't always reflect what the library is actually called in B4A or the forum
- It's often difficult to know who in the forum did what so it tends to be a little bit of investigation figuring that out when I want to give credit in my app
- I worry that I might not be able to update an old project because I don't have the correct libraries installed any longer (assume I've stored it at GitHub and revisit it in a couple of years or so)
So I'm wondering how the people in the forum handle this? Do you just happily throw everything into the folder and don't worry about it? Or do you have some sort of system to keep things in order?