Android Question How to hide Activity Title in code


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Instead of using AppCompat with ToolBar, I'm trying a simple way of having a scrolling page title by (1)unchecking Show Activity.Title checkbox in Visual Designer and (2)adding a BBScrollingLabel to the top of the activity.

One problem I'm having is that the Activity Title is stilling showing despite what I changed in the Visual Designer. I tested it on 3 different phones (Google Pixel 4A Android 11, Samsung Galaxy A11 Android 10, and Zenfone 4 Android 8) with same results. This feature worked for me in some other projects, but not always, in the past. So I think I did something incorrectly. How do I really hide the Activity Title in code?

The attached test app is the BBScrollingLabel example that comes with the library. The only thing I changed is, as mentioned above, the Show Activity Title checkbox is unchecked now.


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Thank you @Mahares! I knew that I missed something very basic. Apparently, the change in the Visual Designer has no effect.
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Apparently, the change in the Visual Designer has no effect.

uncheck "Show Title" in Visual Designer.

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