Android Question How to keep xCustomListview-Item focused after .ResizeItem?


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CustomListView is a versatile view that covers the basic requirements for lists with many variants.

Even the dynamic height adjustment of the items is possible, but then the focus of the item is lost.

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

    CustomListView1.Add( CreateListItemFlEditText("testtext 1. Some longer Text aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll mmmmmmm nn oooo ppppp qqqqqqq.", "hinttext1", CustomListView1.AsView.Width, 20dip), -111)
    CustomListView1.Add( CreateListItemFlEditText("testtext 2. A little longer than the text before.", "hinttext2", CustomListView1.AsView.Width, 20dip), -222)
    CustomListView1.Add( CreateListItemFlEditText("testtext 3. Short.", "hinttext3", CustomListView1.AsView.Width, 20dip), -333)
    CustomListView1.Add( CreateListItemFlEditText("testtext 4. This Text is longer to force another height of the edittext.", "hinttext4", CustomListView1.AsView.Width, 20dip), -444)

    bolReadyForInput = True
End Sub

Sub CreateListItemFlEditText(Text As String, Text2 As String, Width As Int, Height As Int) As Panel
   Dim p As Panel
   p.SetLayout(0, 0, Width, Height)
   lblEdtFloatMic.TextColor = Starter.intColorAccent
   Dim intH As Int =, Text) +48dip
   Dim intHPan As Int = intH + 8dip
   panEdtFloatMic.Height = intH
   edtFloatMic.Height = intH
   edtFloatMic.Text = Text
   edtFloatMic.EditText.HintColor = Starter.colorBlack38
   edtFloatMic.EditText.TextColor = Starter.colorBlack87
   edtFloatMic.Hint = Text2
   edtFloatMic.EditText.SingleLine = False
   edtFloatMic.EditText.Gravity = Bit.Or(Gravity.TOP, Gravity.LEFT)
   p.SetLayout(0, 0, Width, intHPan)
   lblEdtFloatMic.Text = ""
   Return p
End Sub

Sub edtFloatMic_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
    If Not(bolReadyForInput) Then Return
    Dim index As Int = CustomListView1.GetItemFromView(Sender)
    Dim b4xpnl As B4XView = CustomListView1.GetPanel(index)
    Dim b4xedtText As B4XView = b4xpnl.GetView(0)
    Dim b4xlblEdtFloatMeasureInvis As B4XView = b4xpnl.GetView(0)
    Dim intH As Int =, New) +48dip
    If intH = b4xedtText.Height Then Return
    ' --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    ' New height is needed
    ' --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    Dim intHPan As Int = intH +8dip
    b4xedtText.Height = intH
    Dim panEdtFrame As B4XView= b4xpnl.GetView(1)
    panEdtFrame.Height = intH
    CustomListView1.ResizeItem(index, intHPan)

    'CustomListView1.JumpToItem(index )
    'b4xedtText. ( ...somehow set cursor to end of text ... )
End Sub

In the attached small testproject every clv item contains a layout with an edittext on it.

The aim is to enlarge the edittext and its parent-panel while the user enters more words. This is realized and works as usual via "MeasureMultilineTextHeight".

The problem is that the current clv-item loses focus as soon as the function".ResizeItem" is called.

Example: As you can see here, a word is inserted at position (1) and the height is readjusted.
Afterwards, however, the focus changes to the top item at position (2).​



JumpToItem was tried out, but led to an optical jumping back and forth, which is not conducive to a positive user experience.

Does anyone have a solution how to execute a "ResizeItem" on the xCustomListview, so that the focus remains on the active EditText (including cursor position)?


    11.7 KB · Views: 348


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Since you know the index of the panel you're working on, you can use JumpToItem or ScrollToItem to go back to it once the text is updated.
I read you tried with unsatisfactory results JumpToItem. Could it be that it needed a few milliseconds more to complete any inner actions? Did you try to a sleep(100) or similar before calling it?
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Yep. That was it.
I will consider Sleep a lot more often before asking questions (oh, and the sleep(100) is fantastic too ...)

Sub edtFloatMic_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String) As ResumableSub
    If Not(bolReadyForInput) Then Return Null
    Dim index As Int = CustomListView1.GetItemFromView(Sender)
    Dim b4xpnl As B4XView = CustomListView1.GetPanel(index)
    Dim b4xpnl2 As B4XView = b4xpnl.GetView(1)
    Dim b4xedtText As B4XView = b4xpnl2.GetView(0)
    Dim b4xlblEdtFloatMeasureInvis As B4XView = b4xpnl.GetView(0)
    Dim intH As Int =, New) +48dip
    If intH = b4xedtText.Height Then Return Null
    Log(" ")
    Log($"edtFloatMic_TextChanged, index=${index}, new.Length=${New.Length}"$)

    ' --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    ' New height is needed
    ' --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    Dim intHPan As Int = intH +8dip
    b4xedtText.Height = intH
    Dim panEdtFrame As B4XView= b4xpnl.GetView(1)
    panEdtFrame.Height = intH

    Log($"  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x110, .ResizeItem(${index}, ${intHPan}) "$)
    CustomListView1.ResizeItem(index, intHPan)
    Log($"  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x114, .JumpToItem(${index})"$)
    Log($"  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x118, b4xedtText.RequestFocus"$)
    Return Null
End Sub

Sub edtFloatMic_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
    Dim index As Int = CustomListView1.GetItemFromView(Sender)
    Log(" ")
    Log($"edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=${HasFocus}, index=${index}"$)
End Sub


The log while tapping on the keyboard word suggestions:
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=true, index=5
edtFloatMic_TextChanged, index=5, new.Length=59
  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x110, .ResizeItem(5, 263)
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=false, index=5
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=true, index=0
  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x114, .JumpToItem(5)
  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x118, b4xedtText.RequestFocus
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=false, index=0
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=true, index=5
edtFloatMic_TextChanged, index=5, new.Length=96
  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x110, .ResizeItem(5, 317)
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=false, index=5
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=true, index=6
  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x114, .JumpToItem(5)
  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x118, b4xedtText.RequestFocus
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=false, index=6
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=true, index=5
edtFloatMic_TextChanged, index=5, new.Length=137
  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x110, .ResizeItem(5, 371)
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=false, index=5
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=true, index=6
  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x114, .JumpToItem(5)
  edtFloatMic_TextChanged, x118, b4xedtText.RequestFocus
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=false, index=6
edtFloatMic_FocusChanged, HasFocus=true, index=5


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I have found an additional issue with .ResizeItem.
I have additional views and ResizeItem actually causes the focus to jump to another View! This means not only
but also
Also, JumpToItem moves the view to the top of the customlistview - not a good look to have the view move when you are editing it.

I solved the problem by resizing myself.
Sub SetEditTextHeight(Obj As View)  'ignore
    Dim TxtHt As Int  , Pnl As Panel, i As Int', SS As NotePoperties
        TxtHt = CTxt.Height
        CTxt.Height = Max(60dip, 30dip + su.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(CTxt, CTxt.Text))
            If TxtHt <> CTxt.Height Then
                Pnl = CTxt.Parent
                Pnl.Height = CTxt.Height
                Pnl = Pnl.Parent
                Pnl.Height = CTxt.Height
                Dim p2 As Panel
                TxtHt = CTxt.Height - TxtHt
                For i = Pnl.Tag + 1 To ActiveList.Size - 1
                    p2 = ActiveList.GetPanel(i).Parent
           = + TxtHt
                    p2.Tag = i + 1
            p2 = Pnl.Parent
            p2.Height = p2.Height + TxtHt
        End If
        Resizing = False
        ToastMessageShow("SetEditTextHeight" & CRLF & LastException.Message, True)
    End Try
End Sub
I am converting an app (as recommended from the customlistview class to the lib.
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