B4J Question How to reraise an exception?


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I have a Try/Catch block that captures an exception and I log this error. But I want to reraise the exception because I don't want the code to continue executing. I want a top level try/catch block to handle the exception.

In Delphi I could catch the exception in the rtn where it occurred, log it, then execute a RAISE to reraise the same exception again, this time outside of the Try/Catch block so another Try/Catch block will handle it.

Can I accomplish this in B4X?

Jorge M A

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Maybe this can be useful(?):
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Active Member
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Maybe this can be useful(?):

Yes I did see that. That article creates a central point to handle exceptions which is always a good idea. But in my case I needed to trap and handle the error in the rtn that caused it because that is where the local data is stored that caused the exception, then re-raise it if necessary to stop the program from continuing at that point.

Erel's solution https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/threading-library.6775/ will work.
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