I have a User-Defined Function which returns a String type value..
Inside the function, I am invoking the SQL Query using WAIT
A broad template of the code is shown below:
However, the IDE gives compile error saying that
'Error description: Resumable subs return type must be ResumableSub (or none)'
My Doubt:
How to write a user-defined-function returning a datatype but which is a resumable sub in it...
I have a User-Defined Function which returns a String type value..
Inside the function, I am invoking the SQL Query using WAIT
A broad template of the code is shown below:
Code Template:
Public Sub myfunc(pid As Long) As String
Dim SenderFilter As Object
dim mySqlQuery as String
mySQLQuery="SELECT ..."
SenderFilter=Starter.SQL.ExecQueryAsync("SQL", mySQLQuery,Null)
Wait For (SenderFilter) SQL_QueryComplete (Success As Boolean, RS As ResultSet)
If Success Then
Return(RS.GetString(<Field Name>))
End If
End Sub
However, the IDE gives compile error saying that
'Error description: Resumable subs return type must be ResumableSub (or none)'
My Doubt:
How to write a user-defined-function returning a datatype but which is a resumable sub in it...